☰ Revisor of Missouri


Chapter 162

< > Effective - 28 Aug 2022    bottom

  162.084.  Annual performance report, schools in bottom five percent — letter to parents — rating and ranking, display requirements. — 1.  If any individual public elementary or secondary school, any charter school, or any school district is determined to be in the bottom five percent of scores on the annual performance report, such school, charter school, or district shall mail a letter to the parents and guardians of each student in such school, charter school, or district informing such parents and guardians:

  (1)  That the individual public elementary or secondary school, charter school, or school district has been determined to be in the bottom five percent of scores on the annual performance report; and

  (2)  What options are available to such students as a result of the school's, charter school's, or district's current status.

  2.  (1)  Rules relating to the annual performance report rating shall require the department of elementary and secondary education to display, in a clear and easily accessible manner on the department's website, the annual performance report rating and ranking percentage for each local education agency and each attendance center within the local education agency, the accreditation status for each school district, and a list of the bottom five percent of scores for all schools and for all local education agencies.

  (2)  Each local education agency shall display the same information outlined in subdivision (1) of this subsection for the local education agency and each attendance center within the local education agency in a clear and easily accessible manner on the local education agency's website.  Information required to be posted on websites under this subdivision shall be included in the annual school accountability report card information required under section 160.522.

  3.  The requirements to mail a letter under subsection 1 of this section and display information on the local education agency's website under subdivision (2) of subsection 2 of this section shall not apply to any special school district or state-operated school in which all of the students enrolled are students with disabilities.


(L. 2022 S.B. 681 & 662)

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