☰ Revisor of Missouri


Chapter 192

< > Effective - 28 Aug 2000    bottom

  192.965.  Office on women's health created, duties. — There is hereby created the "Office on Women's Health" within the department of health and senior services.  The duties of the office shall include, without limitation, to*:

  (1)  Assist in the assessment of the health needs of women in the state;

  (2)  Provide policy analysis and recommendations to the director of the department of health and senior services on issues affecting the health and well-being of women across the life cycle;

  (3)  Assist the director of the department of health and senior services in identifying issues and establishing priorities for programs, services and resources the department of health and senior services should provide;

  (4)  Serve as a central location for information, resources, technical assistance and consultation about women's health for the department of health and senior services, other state agencies, local health departments and community-based organizations;

  (5)  Promote coordination of and collaborative efforts among programs and services for women in the department of health and senior services, other state agencies, local health departments and community organizations; and

  (6)  Increase visibility of the many diverse factors affecting the health and well-being of women in Missouri.


(L. 2000 H.B. 1568)

*Word "to" does not appear in original rolls.

---- end of effective  28 Aug 2000 ----

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