☰ Revisor of Missouri



Clicking the cursive 'Revisor of Statutes' in the upper left corner will take you to the home screen.

Clicking  top of page brings you to this page

Clicking  top of page takes you to top of page

Clicking  bottom page takes you to bottom of page

Please read the frequently asked questions(FAQ) by clicking the FAQ link above.

To report site errors or make suggestions send email to:  webmaster@LR.mo.gov

Many of the pictures on the main page come from  Rufus Harmon

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Chapter View

The default chapter view is to display all of the current active sections.

To see active, repealed, and transferred sections for a chapter

  Click the exclamation point following the chapter name.

   (will open in a new tab, this might take some time based on load)

  click here for more information

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Section Number View

When viewing one section you will see < > before the effective date.

Clicking the < will take you to the previous section and

clicking the > will take you to the next section.

If you see ⚫ clicking it will show sections that refer to this section.

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If you are searching from the Constitution page the search results are limited to Constitutional sections.
For all other pages the search results are limited to RSMo sections.
ALL searches are limited to active sections.
Search Menu
A. Words or Section - select 'Words' for text based searches and 'Section' to find a specific section or chapter
B. if A = 'Words' - see Search Terms below
if A = 'Section' - section number or chapter number
C. if A = 'Words'
None - second search term ignored
Or - either search term present
And - both search terms present
Not - first search term present, and second search term is not present
Near - first search term precedes second search term and is in proximity of second term
if A = 'Section' - ignored
D. if A = 'Words' - see Search Terms below
if A = 'Section' - ignored
E. search button
F. search help
G. OK - click to accept lengthy search and highlight
H. n or y when viewing a chapter - select y to limit search to this chapter
Section Numbers
- Without subchapter(majority of statutes)
 - chapter number followed by period followed by section number.
 - section number must be at least three characters
 - e.g. 195.010
- With subchapter
 - chapter number followed by period followed by subchapter followed by hyphen followed by section number.
 - section number must be at least three characters
 - e.g. 400.2A-103
- Letters, if present, must be capital.
Search Terms
- are NOT case sensitive. These are all the same; MISSOURI, Missouri, missouri, MiSsouRi
- ignore characters other than letters and numbers
- allow LAST word in any phrase to have an * for wildcard. i.e. miss* will find missouri, mississippi, missile, etc. Can affect highlighting
- that are multi-word must match exactly. Consider rephrasing using two terms.
  e.g. search for 'Modify the conditions of release' in one term
  might produce more accurate results if two terms are used, 'Modify' and 'conditions of release'
  with the Near operator (see C. above)
- ignores common words such as 'the', 'or', 'in', 'is', etc. Can affect highlighting if used
- can be a properly formatted section number
Search Effective Date
- in search term enter EFFmmddyyyy, where mm is month, dd is day, and yyyy is 4 digit year
- can be combined with other search term
- e.g. to find active sections effective 8/28/1957
  search for eff08281957
Search Constraints
- limited to approximately 1000 results
- to refine the search use the boolean operators (see C. above) and the second search term
note: search and highlighting can be a lengthy process
Using Google or Bing to search
- click the appropriate icon at the bottom of the page. Will open in a new tab with a search limited to this site.
- you can also try Google's Advanced Search (remember to fill in the site or domain field)
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Site errors or comments

If you encounter errors or wish to comment about this site please send an email to webmaster@LR.mo.gov

Remove highlight

If you copy and paste a section into MS Word you can remove the yellow highlight by following these steps.

  1. Select the pasted text
  2. Select Borders and Shading

  3. Select Shading with the following settings

  4. Click OK
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Changes to site
15 Sep 2022 Added General Assembly / Session Numbering page
20 Jan 2022 Added misc. date items to bottom of home page.
24 Jan 2021 Drop down for main header collapsed except home page.
15 Oct 2020 Added drop down for main header.
15 Oct 2020 Added picture link. Under 'Other Information'
01 Sep 2020 Added support for section ranges.
09 Aug 2020 At approximately 17:45 we served up our 50,000,000th page.
05 Aug 2020 Section reference added.
20 Feb 2020 Index available to download.
06 Feb 2020 New Section display to alleviate errors.
12 Dec 2019 Added site map to bottom of home page.
06 Nov 2019 Added Google and Bing icons to show how to search for laws on this site using search engines.
31 Oct 2019 Switched to HTTPS in preparation for certification.
17 Oct 2019 Programmatically slow down malicious access.
04 Oct 2019 Added Tweet button to section pages, #rsmolaw. Facebook has been available since 2017.
30 Sep 2019 Other Information / Definitions displays definitions and section(s) containing the definition.
25 Sep 2019 Add picture to home screen.
19 Sep 2019 Clicking the exclamation point at the end of a chapter name displays active, repealed, and transferred sections in a new browser tab.
28 Jan 2019 Clicking the ^ at the end of a chapter name displays full headnotes.

Official Website for the Revised Statutes of Missouri

26 Jul 2024 18:25

Click here for the Reorganization Act of 1974 - or - Concurrent Resolutions Having Force & Effect of Law
In accordance with Section 3.090, the language of statutory sections enacted during a legislative session are updated and available on this website on the effective date of such enacted statutory section. Revisor Home    

Other Information
 Recent Sections Editorials May Be Cited As Tables & Forms Multiple Enact
Repeal & Transfer Definitions End Report

Site changes Pictures Contact

Other Links
Legislative Research Oversight MOLIS
Library MO WebMasters
Missouri Senate
State of Missouri
Missouri House