311.071. Special events, not-for-profit organizations, contributions of money permitted, when. — 1. Distillers, wholesalers, winemakers, brewers, or their employees or officers may make contributions of money for special events where alcohol is sold at retail to a not-for-profit organization that:
(1) Does not hold a liquor license;
(2) Less than forty percent of the members and officers are liquor licensees;
(3) Is registered with the secretary of state as a not-for-profit organization; and
(4) Of which no part of the net earnings or contributions inures to the benefit of any private shareholder or any retail licensee member of such organization.
The contributions from distillers, wholesalers, winemakers, brewers, or their employees or officers shall be used to pay special event infrastructure expenses unrelated to any retail alcohol sales, which include, but are not limited to: security, sanitation, fencing, entertainment, and advertising.2. Distillers, wholesalers, winemakers, brewers, retailers, or their employees or officers may make contributions of money for festivals as defined in section 316.150 where alcohol is sold at retail to a not-for-profit organization that:
(1) Is registered with the secretary of state as a not-for-profit organization;
(2) Of which no part of the net earnings or contributions, directly or indirectly, inures to the benefit of any private shareholder or any retail licensee member of such organization; and
(3) Uses the contributions from distillers, wholesalers, winemakers, brewers, retailers, or their employees or officers only to pay special event infrastructure expenses unrelated to any retail alcohol sales, which include, but are not limited to, security, sanitation, fencing, advertising and transportation.
3. Any not-for-profit organization that receives contributions under this section shall allow the division of alcohol and tobacco control full access to the organization's records for audit purposes.
(L. 2007 S.B. 299 & S.B. 616, A.L. 2013 S.B. 121)
---- end of effective 28 Aug 2013 ----
- All versions | ||||
Effective | End | |||
311.071 | 8/28/2013 | |||
311.071 | 8/28/2007 | 8/28/2013 |
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