☰ Revisor of Missouri
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 Chapter 108 Bond Issues, Miscellaneous Provisions 
108.010   County may become indebted, when — limitation. (8/28/1990)
108.020   Additional county indebtedness. (8/28/1990)
108.030   Interest and principal of indebtedness — annual tax on tangible property (county). (8/28/1945)
108.040   Election to authorize county indebtedness — petition. (8/28/1978)
108.050   Notice of election. (8/28/1978)
108.060   Form of ballot. (8/28/1978)
108.070   Vote required for approval — sale of bonds — tax to be imposed. (8/28/1990)
108.080   Bonds — denominations, interest rate — depositary (county). (8/28/1945)
108.090   County treasurer to sell bonds. (8/28/1990)
108.100   Bond registry, contents (county). (8/28/1945)
108.110   Moneys deposited in county treasury — county commission to withdraw money for purposes for which bonds were issued. (8/28/1945)
108.120   Road bonds — construction fund (county). (8/28/2018)
108.130   Funding of judgment indebtedness — bond issue therefor (county, municipality). (8/28/1945)
108.140   Political subdivisions may refund, extend, unify indebtedness. (8/28/2002)
108.150   Refunding bonds — provision for payment of interest and principal. (8/28/1945)
108.160   Record of redemption and cancellation. (8/28/1947)
108.170   Bonds, notes and other evidences of indebtedness, forms — rate — municipal advisor — sales price — exceptions — agreements for purchase of commodities. (8/28/2017)
108.175   Use of facsimile signatures and seals, requirements — Missouri banks or trust companies may act as agents, exception. (7/1/1983)
108.180   Bond issue — funds kept separate. (7/12/1994)
108.190   Violation a misdemeanor — penalty. (8/28/1945)
108.200   Surplus funds for purchase of bonds. (8/28/1945)
108.210   Sale of bonds and purchase of new bonds. (8/28/1945)
108.220   Unclaimed balances in bond issue, interest and sinking funds may be transferred to any other fund. (8/28/1939)
108.230   Bond issue funds exempt from attachment and execution. (8/28/1945)
108.240   Bonds to be certified by state auditor — validity — defenses. (8/28/2002)
108.250   Auditor's fee for registering bonds — transmitted to director of revenue. (5/16/2008)
108.260   Bond issues — annual statement — call before maturity — failure to make statement, penalty. (8/28/1939)
108.270   Auditor to certify annually amount required to pay interest, costs. (8/28/1939)
108.280   May levy larger tax — must certify to auditor bonds redeemed. (8/28/1939)
108.290   Registered bonds, lawful security. (8/28/1951)
108.300   Provisions not applicable to certain counties, cities or school districts. (8/28/1993)
108.310   Petition for pro forma decree. (8/28/1939)
108.320   Notice of presentation of petition — intervening petition. (8/28/1939)
108.330   Hearing — court order. (8/28/1939)
108.340   Appeal. (8/28/1939)
108.350   Court to determine appeal without delay. (8/28/1939)
REFUNDING BONDS (Jackson County)
108.400   Refunding bonds authorized. (8/28/1975)
108.405   Refunding bonds, how issued. (8/28/1975)
108.410   Refunding bonds to refer to sections 108.400 to 108.410 — ordinance to set denomination and rate and term within limits. (8/28/1975)
108.450   Definitions — authority to issue bonds, form — restrictions. (8/28/1983)
108.455   Bond issue, requirements and restrictions — exempt from state and local income tax. (7/9/1981)
108.460   Form and detail of bonds to be prescribed — criteria for mortgages may be established. (8/28/1980)
108.465   County defined to include certain cities. (8/28/1980)
108.470   Discrimination in granting of loans is unlawful. (8/28/1980)
108.500   Definitions. (1/1/1988)
108.502   Allocation to bond issuers, state ceiling used. (1/1/1988)
108.508   State ceiling for each calendar year, how calculated. (5/25/1990)
108.510   Allocation application, form — criteria for consideration of approval by director — rules, promulgation, procedure. (8/28/1995)
108.512   Notification of approval, rejection — expiration of approved allocation. (1/1/1988)
108.518   Extension procedure — time authorized — bonds not issued, expire when. (1/1/1988)
108.520   Certification of bonds. (1/1/1988)
108.522   Carry-forward election, procedure. (8/28/1991)
108.524   Expiration, resubmission of application. (1/1/1988)
108.526   Report of all private activity bonds issued, when — procedure. (1/1/1988)
108.528   Violations, effect. (1/1/1988)
108.530   State ceiling, revision of, director to make recommendations, when. (1/1/1988)
108.532   Allocation of state ceiling, law applicable, when. (1/1/1988)
108.900   Commissioners authorized to borrow and to issue bonds for state building and property improvements. (8/28/1985)
108.901   Bonds, when issued — denominations — interest, how set — form of bonds — treasurer's duties — auditor's duties. (12/20/1982)
108.902   Bonds, how registered. (12/20/1982)
108.903   Bonds, how sold, deposits — proceeds — expenses of sale, how paid. (12/20/1982)
108.904   Proceeds of sales paid into third state building fund — purchase preferences for Missouri products and firms, when. (12/20/1982)
108.905   Appropriations from fund, purposes — distribution. (12/20/1982)
108.906   Projects to be authorized by general assembly, exceptions. (12/20/1982)
108.907   Third state building fund, deposits, how made — interest to accrue to fund. (12/20/1982)
108.908   Third state building bond interest and sinking fund created, how used. (12/20/1982)
108.909   Third state building bond interest and sinking fund, deposits how made — interest to accrue to fund. (12/20/1982)
108.910   Tangible property tax, when levied. (12/20/1982)
108.911   Third state building bond interest and sinking fund money to stand appropriated for payment of principal and interest on bonds. (12/20/1982)
108.912   Bonds, principal and interest, how paid — repurchase, when. (12/20/1982)
108.913   Treasurer to report on bond transactions to general assembly. (12/20/1982)
108.914   Bonds to be issued as funds are required — issuance by resolution of board — written consent of governor required. (12/20/1982)
108.925   Fourth state building fund to rebuild institutions of higher learning, department of corrections and youth services division commissioners authorized to borrow and issue bonds. (2/9/1995)
108.926   Bonds, when issued — denominations — interest, how set — form of bonds — treasurer's duties — auditor's duties — facsimile signatures authorized, when. (2/9/1995)
108.927   Bonds, how registered. (2/9/1995)
108.928   Bonds, how sold, deposit — proceeds — right of commissioners to reject any bid — expenses of sale, how paid. (2/9/1995)
108.929   Proceeds of sales paid into fourth state building fund. (2/9/1995)
108.930   Investment and deposits to be made by state treasurer in fourth state building fund — interest received on deposits to be credited to fund. (2/9/1995)
108.933   Bonds, principal and interest, how paid — repurchase, when — actions by board of fund commissioners, procedure — governor's written consent required. (2/9/1995)
108.1000   Definitions — issuance of bonds, when — federal tax credits. (8/28/2009)
108.1010   Allocation of recovery zone bonds, to whom — application — rulemaking authority. (8/28/2009)
108.1020   Bonds exempt from taxation. (8/28/2009)
 - Cross References
Action on bonds, Chap. 522
Cities of the fourth classification, 95.370 to 95.410
Cities of the third classification, authority to incur debt for certain purposes, 95.345
Cities of the third classification, current revenue renewal and indebtedness bonds, 95.350
County hospitals, 205.160
Health centers, 205.010 to 205.150
Highway right-of-way over bridge, acquisition of, 234.100 to 234.150
Jails and courthouses, 71.300
Limitation on state debt, Const. Art. III § 37
Revenue bonds of educational institutions, Chap. 176
School bonds, Chap. 164
Sewer districts in St. Louis County, 249.120, 249.136, 249.395
Sewer districts, 250.050 to 250.130
Special road districts in counties with township organization, 233.345
Special road districts, non-township organization, commissioners may issue bonds, 233.200
Special road districts, non-township organization, validity of bonds not affected by dissolution, 233.290
State bonds, division of fund commissioners, powers and duties, 33.300 to 33.540
State bonds, recognition of outstanding obligations, duties of auditor, Const. Art. IV § 34
State park improvements, revenue bonds, 253.210 to 253.280
Toll bridge revenue and revenue refunding bonds of counties, cities or road districts, 234.210 to 234.300
Water supply districts, general, special obligations or current revenue bonds, 247.050, 247.130, 247.140

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