☰ Revisor of Missouri
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 Chapter 254 State Forestry Law 
254.010   Citation of law. (8/28/1945)
254.020   Definitions. (8/28/2002)
254.030   Forest districts authorized — state forester authorized. (8/28/1974)
254.040   Designation as forest croplands, application for — refusal, appeal from — ... (8/28/2002)
254.050   Certification of forest croplands, where filed. (8/28/1945)
254.060   Transfer of ownership. (8/28/1945)
254.070   Commission-owned lands eligible as forest croplands — rate of compensation ... (8/28/1981)
254.075   State-owned lands, exemptions for. (8/28/2018)
254.080   Time limit on tax relief for private land — reclassification procedure. (8/28/1981)
254.085   State land may retain classification indefinitely. (8/28/1974)
254.090   Tax rate on privately owned forest cropland. (8/28/1981)
254.100   Private plan of forest management — partial tax relief — revisions. (8/28/1945)
254.110   Compensatory payments to counties. (8/28/1981)
254.120   Tax relief not to affect valuation of other property. (8/28/1945)
254.130   Compliance with forest management rules and regulations required. (8/28/1945)
254.140   Firewood and domestic use timber cutting permitted. (8/28/1974)
254.190   Separate taxation on certain products. (8/28/1945)
254.200   Forest cropland, grounds for declassification — effect of. (8/28/1974)
254.210   Owner to reimburse state upon cancellation of classification — penalty. (8/28/2018)
254.220   Removal from classification by owner, payments required. (8/28/1981)
254.225   Forest landowner cost-share incentive program authorized, reimbursements ... (8/28/2002)
254.230   State forester and commission employees, duties of. (8/28/1974)
254.240   Enforcement powers of state forester and commission employees. (8/28/1974)
254.250   Powers of agents of commission. (8/28/1945)
254.260   Enforcement of provisions, by whom — duties. (8/28/1945)
254.270   Fire control and timber trespass activities intensified, when — provisions ... (8/28/1945)
254.290   Penalty for obstructing enforcement. (8/28/1945)
254.300   Violation of chapter a misdemeanor. (8/28/1945)
 - Cross References
Economic diversification and afforestation act, 252.300 to 252.333

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