☰ Revisor of Missouri
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 Chapter 317 Boxing and Wrestling 
317.001   Definitions. (7/1/2008)
317.006   Director to supervise professional boxing, sparring, wrestling, karate, and mixed martial arts contests — powers — duties — fees, how set — athletic fund. (8/28/2018)
317.011   Athletic fund, source of funds — director only to license certain contests, exceptions — law not applicable to certain amateur matches. (8/28/2018)
317.012   Licenses not issued for "ultimate fighting", definition. (8/28/1996)
317.013   Mandatory medical suspensions, determination — medically retired persons. (8/28/2018)
317.014   Injunction, who may apply, when — activities subject to injunction — action brought, where — action in addition to penalty. (8/28/2018)
317.015   Complaints against licensees, filed with administrative hearing commission — refusal to issue license, notification, appeal — sanctions on license permitted, when. (8/28/2020)
317.016   Director to appoint necessary administrative personnel — compensation and expenses of, how set. (8/28/1983)
317.017   Participants, required minimum age — surety bond requirements — elbow and knee strikes to head prohibited, when. (8/28/2018)
317.018   Combative fighting prohibited — promotion or participation in combative fighting, felony — medical personnel — exceptions. (1/1/2017)
317.019   Bout contracts required, when — contents, changes — payment of event official's fees. (8/28/2018)
317.021   Violation of law, misdemeanor. (8/28/1983)
 - Cross References
All license, permit and certificate applications shall contain the Social Security number of the applicant, 324.024
Disciplinary proceedings against persons or entities licensed, certified or registered by the division of professional registration, time limitations to commence action, exceptions, 324.043

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