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 Chapter 347 Limited Liability Companies — Merger and Consolidation of Business Organizations 
347.010   Name of law. (12/1/1993)
347.015   Definitions. (6/24/1997)
347.017   Single member companies, compliance with this chapter. (6/24/1997)
347.020   Name of company regulated. (8/28/2004)
347.025   Name may be reserved, how, time period. (8/28/2004)
347.030   Maintenance of office and agent for service of process — change of office or agent, filing, contents — effective, when — change upon filing by agent, contents — agent may resign, filing, contents. (8/28/1998)
347.033   Service upon agent deemed service on company — service upon organizer — secretary of state deemed agent of company, when. (12/1/1993)
347.035   Organization authorized, purpose. (12/1/1993)
347.037   Formation, articles of organization — when effective — filing, effect — company may not incur debt before filing — actions before filing, effect. (6/24/1997)
347.039   Articles, contents. (8/28/2013)
347.041   Articles of amendment, contents — amendments required, when. (8/28/2004)
347.043   Restated articles of organization — contents. (12/1/1993)
347.045   Articles of termination — contents. (12/1/1993)
347.047   Execution of documents, manner — affirmation. (8/28/2004)
347.048   Affidavit filing required for certain limited liability companies — fees prohibited — failure to file, remedy. (8/28/2019)
347.049   Failure to execute documents, action to direct execution. (12/1/1993)
347.051   Delivery of documents to secretary of state, format, duties. (8/28/2004)
347.053   False statements in documents, action for damages — failure to timely file, civil penalty, waiver — effect. (12/1/1993)
347.055   Statement of correction, filed when — contents — execution, effective, when — fee — statement signed. (8/28/2004)
347.057   Limitation of liability of member or manager. (12/1/1993)
347.059   Actions without authority, liability. (12/1/1993)
347.061   Property of company — title. (12/1/1993)
347.063   Transfer of property — instrument of transfer — claims, effect. (12/1/1993)
347.065   Members deemed to be agents, acts bind company — one or more managers, effect — act in contravention of restriction on authority. (12/1/1993)
347.067   Binding act after dissolution, manner — unauthorized acts. (12/1/1993)
347.069   Proper party to proceedings by or against company — joinder of proper parties — commencement of proceedings, where proper. (6/24/1997)
347.071   Admission or representation evidence, when. (12/1/1993)
347.073   Notice to authorized person of business matter, effect. (12/1/1993)
347.075   Company liable, when. (12/1/1993)
347.077   Misapplication of money, liability. (12/1/1993)
347.079   Management of company — managers, appointment — consent of members required for certain acts. (8/28/2004)
347.081   Operating agreement, contents — policy statement — enforceability, remedies. (8/28/2004)
347.083   Action or vote without meeting, consent required. (12/1/1993)
347.085   Waiver of required notice, effect — attendance at meeting — effect. (12/1/1993)
347.088   Standard of duty — extent of liabilities and duties — profit or benefit, duty. (8/28/2004)
347.090   Reliance by authorized person upon information — discharge of duties. (12/1/1993)
347.091   Items required to be kept at principal place of business — rights of members — failure to deliver items to secretary, penalty. (12/1/1993)
347.093   Member or manager may lend money and transact business. (12/1/1993)
347.095   Claims among managers or members. (12/1/1993)
347.097   Interest may issue upon consideration. (12/1/1993)
347.099   Promises for contribution to be in writing — performance of promise, remedy — cause of action. (12/1/1993)
347.101   Distributions required, when — manner. (12/1/1993)
347.103   Dissolution as result of withdrawal of member, distribution — withdrawal in violation of agreement. (6/24/1997)
347.105   Distribution, form of. (12/1/1993)
347.107   Remedies of member entitled to distribution. (12/1/1993)
347.109   Limitations upon distributions — date of measurement of effective distributions — wrongful distribution, liability, contribution. (6/24/1997)
347.111   Allocation of profits or losses, manner. (12/1/1993)
347.113   Members — additional members. (12/1/1993)
347.115   Interest in company is personal property, assignability, distributions, pledge of security interest, effect — rights of assignee — liability of assignor. (12/1/1993)
347.117   Effect of death or incompetence of member, assignability of interest — business organization as member, dissolution, assignability of interest. (12/1/1993)
347.119   Judgment creditor of member, charge of member's interest with payment of unsatisfied judgment. (12/1/1993)
347.121   Withdrawal of member, how effected — withdrawal in violation of operating agreement — consequences of withdrawal. (6/24/1997)
347.123   Cessation of membership, events of withdrawal. (12/1/1993)
347.125   Partnership, limited partnership, or registered limited liability partnerships may convert to limited liability company — articles of organization, contents — title to property, effect — creditors rights, effect. (6/24/1997)
347.127   Merger or consolidation of limited liability companies — merger or consolidation of partnerships, companies, trusts, corporations, and other associations. (12/1/1993)
347.128   Agreement of merger or consolidation. (6/24/1997)
347.129   Notice of merger or consolidation, filing, contents — execution — notice of abandonment, contents — effective date of merger or consolidation of foreign companies. (8/28/2004)
347.131   Effective date of merger or consolidation. (8/28/2004)
347.133   Consummation of merger or consolidation, effects — required filings. (6/24/1997)
347.135   Surviving entity of merger as natural person, statement of service of process — appointment of secretary as agent. (12/1/1993)
347.137   Dissolution of company, events — notice of winding up. (8/28/2007)
347.139   Effect of dissolution — acts required, distribution of assets — members or trustees. (12/1/1993)
347.141   Disposition of claims after dissolution — notice of dissolution, requirements — barred claims — notice of winding up, disposition of unknown claims — barred claims — enforcement of claims — fraudulent intent defined. (8/28/2000)
347.143   Involuntary dissolution, decree, action by attorney general, grounds — action upon application by member. (12/1/1993)
347.145   Action for involuntary dissolution, where commenced — service of process, publication. (12/1/1993)
347.147   Right to wind up upon dissolution — authorization. (12/1/1993)
347.149   Court may liquidate assets, when. (12/1/1993)
347.151   Foreign limited liability company, conflict of laws. (12/1/1993)
347.153   Foreign company, registration required — application, contents, fee. (8/28/2013)
347.155   Proper application for registration, duties of secretary. (8/28/2004)
347.157   Name of foreign company regulated. (12/1/1993)
347.160   Amended certificates of registration required for certain foreign companies, when — additional information required, due date — fee. (8/28/2004)
347.161   Cancellation, articles of. (8/28/2004)
347.163   Failure to comply with registration requirements, penalty — no maintenance of action — validity of contracts — liability for debts — causes of action — activities not constituting transaction of business — foreign corporations and partnerships — construction. (8/28/1998)
347.165   Cause of action authorized. (12/1/1993)
347.167   Service of process, venue. (12/1/1993)
347.169   Affirmation, penalties of perjury. (8/28/2004)
347.171   Action by member, conditions. (12/1/1993)
347.173   Derivative action — complaint. (12/1/1993)
347.175   Derivative action — attorney's fees. (12/1/1993)
347.177   Construction of law — estoppel — agency — equity — no impairment of obligation of contract. (12/1/1993)
347.179   Fees. (8/28/2014)
347.181   Law to apply to interstate and international commerce. (12/1/1993)
347.183   Additional duties of secretary. (8/28/2009)
347.185   Member's interest not security. (12/1/1993)
347.186   Designated series of members, managers, or limited liability interests permitted — requirements. (8/28/2013)
347.187   Classification for purposes of taxation — treatment. (6/24/1997)
347.189   Requires filing property control affidavit in certain cities, including Kansas City. (8/28/2001)
347.700   Law to apply, merger or consolidation. (8/28/2003)
347.705   Definitions. (6/24/1997)
347.710   Merger or consolidation authorized — corporations, partnerships, limited liability company. (6/24/1997)
347.715   Agreement of merger or consolidation — contents. (12/1/1993)
347.720   Agreement of merger or consolidation — authorization and approval — certification — abandonment, procedure. (8/28/2003)
347.725   Articles of merger or consolidation, contents — filing — duplicates, delivery — effective, when. (8/28/2004)
347.730   Consummation of merger or consolidation, effects — no impairment of shares or rights. (12/1/1993)
347.735   Merger or consolidation, requirements and limitations — what law to govern. (12/1/1993)
347.740   Additional fee — expiration date. (8/28/2020)
 - Cross References

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