☰ Revisor of Missouri
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 Chapter 64 County Planning — Zoning — Recreation — Natural Streams and Waterways 
64.001   Drainage and levee districts subject to flood plain management, when. (3/4/1991)
64.002   Sawmill or planing mill included in agricultural or horticultural ... (8/28/2019)
64.005   District planning commission authorized, election — ballot form — certain ... (8/28/1996)
64.007   District planning commission, members, appointment, compensation, expenses ... (8/28/1996)
64.008   Home-based work — limitation on zoning restrictions. (8/28/2022)
64.010   County planning commission authorized (first class charter counties). (8/28/1974)
64.020   County planning commission — members — term — expenses — chairman (certain ... (8/28/1986)
64.030   Planning commission — rules — employees — contracts (certain first class ... (8/28/1941)
64.040   Master plan of county — contents — hearings — adoption (certain first class ... (8/28/1941)
64.050   Approval of improvements (certain first class counties). (8/28/1945)
64.060   Regulations governing subdivision of land — bond (certain first class counties). (8/28/1945)
64.070   Approval of plats (certain first class counties). (8/28/1945)
64.080   Plans for major highway — duties of county commission — board of adjustment ... (8/28/1949)
64.090   Planning and zoning powers of county commission — group homes considered ... (8/28/2014)
64.100   Division of unincorporated territory into districts — regulation (certain ... (8/28/1941)
64.110   Further regulation of districts — hearing — order (first class counties). (8/28/1941)
64.120   County board of zoning adjustment — members — organization — powers and ... (8/28/1993)
64.122   Regulation by board may limit uses of buildings, structures, or land in ... (8/28/1993)
64.130   Regulations shall govern, when (first class counties). (8/28/1941)
64.140   Amendment of regulations — protests (certain first class counties). (8/28/1988)
64.150   Enforcement officer — duties (first class counties). (8/28/1945)
64.160   Violation a misdemeanor (first class counties). (8/28/1941)
64.170   County commissions control construction — issue building permits — ... (8/28/2008)
64.180   Building commission — appointment — term — code of regulations — ... (8/28/2001)
64.190   Building commission — powers — exception (first and second class counties). (8/28/1978)
64.196   Nationally recognized building code adopted, when. (8/28/2013)
64.200   Violation a misdemeanor (first and second class counties). (8/28/1945)
64.205   Applicability of sections 64.170 to 64.200 (first and second class counties). (8/28/1963)
64.207   Property maintenance code for habitability of rented residences — ... (8/28/2021)
64.211   Creation of county planning board — election — ballot form. (8/28/1994)
64.212   Termination of county planning, election — ballot form. (8/28/1994)
64.215   County planning board, members (exception for Cass County), terms, removal, ... (8/28/2005)
64.221   Planning board, rules of procedure — records (noncharter first class counties). (8/28/1994)
64.225   Planning director, appointment, duties, employees, expenses (noncharter ... (8/28/1994)
64.231   Master plan, contents, amendment, hearings, adoption, recording (noncharter ... (8/28/1994)
64.235   Improvements to conform to plan, approval required (noncharter first class ... (8/28/1994)
64.241   Subdivision regulations, contents, how adopted — bond for compliance ... (8/28/1998)
64.245   Subdivision plat or instrument describing not to be recorded until approved ... (8/28/1994)
64.251   Building or setback lines on major highways, hearing, modification ... (8/28/1994)
64.255   Building and lot regulations — nonconforming uses, regulations limited ... (8/28/1974)
64.261   Zoning districts, creation, regulations (noncharter first class counties). (8/28/1959)
64.265   Establishment of original districts, notice, hearings, powers of county ... (8/28/1994)
64.271   Change in regulations and districts, hearing before commission — effect of ... (8/28/1994)
64.275   Powers of county commission on review of report of planning board ... (8/28/1994)
64.281   Members of county commission as board of zoning adjustment, meetings, ... (8/28/1994)
64.285   Zoning regulations to supersede other laws or restrictions, when ... (8/28/1959)
64.291   Zoning enforcement officers, appointment, compensation, duties (noncharter ... (8/28/1959)
64.295   Violations of law or regulation, misdemeanor — civil remedies (noncharter ... (8/28/1959)
64.300   Sewers and ditches in certain first class counties near recreation areas to ... (8/28/1961)
64.320   Land acquisition for landfills, parks and recreation — authority to levy ... (2/2/1990)
64.325   Land acquisition for recreation and sanitary landfills — annual tax, amount ... (8/28/1994)
64.330   Board of park commissioners — appointment — duties (first class counties). (8/28/1987)
64.335   Park rangers, appointment, training, compensation, certification (Clay and ... (6/11/1986)
64.337   County commission authorized to appoint and set compensation of park ... (8/28/2000)
64.341   County commissions may lease lands and grant concessions for recreational ... (8/28/2003)
64.342   Park concession stands or marinas, county-operated, sale of refreshments, ... (8/28/2004)
64.345   Regulations for use of recreational areas — violation, a misdemeanor (first ... (8/28/1957)
64.350   Recreational lands — county planning and recreation commission — ... (8/28/1990)
64.360   Recreational lands — powers of county commissions (second class counties). (8/28/1939)
64.370   Recreational lands — powers of county planning and recreation commission — ... (8/28/1939)
64.380   Recreational lands — power of county planning and recreation commission to ... (8/28/1939)
64.390   Recreational lands — compensation for acquisition or damage of property ... (8/28/1939)
64.401   Extension of municipal park system to adjacent area — petition, procedure, ... (8/28/1994)
64.450   County parks — acquisition and maintenance. (8/28/1939)
64.451   County parks, taxes for establishment and maintenance — levy and collection. (8/28/1994)
64.460   Definitions. (8/28/1955)
64.463   Dumping in unlicensed area prohibited. (8/28/1955)
64.467   Application for dumping ground fee. (8/28/1955)
64.470   State department of health and senior services to approve area — county ... (8/28/1955)
64.473   Revocation of license, notice and hearing. (8/28/1955)
64.477   Department of health and senior services to promulgate rules and ... (8/28/1955)
64.480   Law not applicable, when. (8/28/1955)
64.483   Law inoperative until county commission orders — notice and hearing. (8/28/1955)
64.487   Violation of law, misdemeanor. (8/28/1955)
64.490   Second, third and fourth class counties authorized to operate dumping grounds. (8/28/1967)
64.510   County commission may provide for county plan, when — county planning ... (8/28/1963)
64.520   County planning commission — members — term — expenses — chairman (counties ... (8/28/2004)
64.530   Planning or zoning to be adopted only after approval by voters — submission ... (8/28/1978)
64.540   Planning commission — general powers — rules — employees, consultants — ... (8/28/1980)
64.550   Master plan of county — contents — hearings — adoption (second and third ... (8/28/1971)
64.560   Not to affect strip mining — commercial structures permitted, where (second ... (8/28/1951)
64.570   Planning commission to approve improvements — public improvements may be ... (8/28/1951)
64.580   Regulations governing subdivision of land — bond (second and third class ... (8/28/1951)
64.590   Approval of plats (second and third class counties). (8/28/1990)
64.600   Setback lines on major highways (second and third class counties). (8/28/1951)
64.610   Powers of board of adjustment — hearing on regulations on setback lines ... (8/28/1951)
64.620   Building restrictions — limitations on regulations (second and third class ... (3/4/1991)
64.630   Division of territory into districts — regulations to be uniform, conform ... (8/28/1951)
64.640   County commission may prescribe zoning regulations — hearings on plan — ... (8/28/1986)
64.645   Plan or regulations not to be changed without notice and hearing (second ... (8/28/1971)
64.650   Enforcement officer — buildings subject to his approval (second and third ... (8/28/1951)
64.660   County board of zoning adjustment — members — organization — appeals to, ... (8/28/1990)
64.670   Amendment of regulations — hearings — protests (second and third class ... (8/28/1988)
64.680   Regulations to supersede laws or ordinances (second and third class counties). (8/28/1951)
64.690   Violations constitute misdemeanors — enforcement of zoning regulations ... (8/28/1951)
64.695   Termination of program, procedure — form of ballot (second and third class ... (8/28/1978)
64.725   Temporary county or township planning commission, qualifications, ... (8/28/2000)
64.727   County planning and zoning — election of members of county planning ... (4/12/1996)
64.800   Creation of county planning commission — election. (8/28/1990)
64.805   County planning commission — members — terms — expenses — chairman. (8/28/2004)
64.810   Planning commission — general powers — rules — employees and consultants — ... (8/28/1980)
64.815   Master plan of county — contents — hearings — adoption. (8/28/1971)
64.820   Improvements not to be made without county planning commission approval — ... (8/28/1965)
64.825   Regulation of subdivisions in unincorporated areas — procedure — bonds. (8/28/2004)
64.830   Approval of plats. (8/28/1990)
64.835   Setback line on major highways. (8/28/1965)
64.840   Powers of board of adjustment — hearing on regulations on setback lines. (8/28/1965)
64.845   Creation of county zoning program — election. (8/28/1978)
64.850   County commission may prescribe zoning regulations. (8/28/1974)
64.855   Division of territory into districts — regulations to be uniform, conform ... (8/28/1965)
64.860   County commission, powers — zoning commission, appointment, powers — fees ... (8/28/1980)
64.863   Plan or regulations not to be changed without notice and hearing. (8/28/1994)
64.865   Enforcement officer — buildings subject to his approval. (8/28/1965)
64.870   County board of zoning adjustment — members — organization — appeals to — ... (8/28/1990)
64.875   Amendment of regulations — hearings — protests. (8/28/1988)
64.880   Zoning regulations to prevail over other laws, regulations. (8/28/1965)
64.885   Creation of county planning and zoning program — election. (8/28/1978)
64.890   Building and land use restrictions — exemptions — limitations on use of powers. (3/4/1991)
64.895   Violations constitute misdemeanors — enforcement of zoning regulations. (8/28/1965)
64.900   Termination or continuation of county planning, zoning — election. (4/7/1988)
64.905   Purpose of sections 64.800 to 64.905 — effect of adoption on preexisting ... (8/28/2003)
64.906   Clay County planning and zoning commission, rulemaking authority. (8/28/1996)
64.907   Certain storm water discharge rules and ordinances authorized for certain ... (8/28/2003)

Sports complex and convention regional authority, St. Louis, 67.650 to 67.658

Sports facility maintenance tax (Jackson County), 66.500 to 66.516

64.920   County sports complex authority authorized. (8/28/1969)
64.925   Scope of act, existing sports complex authorities, election to come under ... (8/28/1969)
64.930   Sports complex commissioners — terms — vacancies — compensation and expenses. (8/28/2004)
64.940   Powers of the authority. (8/28/2007)
64.950   Law not to impair powers of other political subdivisions — annual report. (8/28/1965)
64.975   Natural streams, procedure to adopt, voter approval required — question may ... (8/28/1990)
 - Cross References
Airport zoning regulations, certain counties and cities, 67.1200 to 67.1224
apply, 260.247
Board of education, seven-director districts, may establish parks and playgrounds, 177.101
Certain municipalities may adopt county zoning regulations, 89.020
Financial interest statements, required filing, 105.483
Solid waste facilities, certain acquisitions, zoning ordinances to
Sports complex and convention regional authority, St. Louis, 67.650 to 67.658
Township organization counties, township zoning, 65.650 to 65.701
Zoning of alcohol and drug abuse treatment facilities, certain local governments, 82.461, 89.143

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