☰ Revisor of Missouri
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 Chapter 95 Financial Administration and Indebtedness 
95.115   Cities and towns may incur indebtedness, how. (8/28/1990)
95.120   Additional indebtedness of cities by special vote. (8/28/1990)
95.123   Indebtedness to establish revolving improvement fund, purposes, procedure. (8/28/1959)
95.125   Indebtedness for street improvements. (8/28/1990)
95.130   Indebtedness for waterworks, electric or other light plants. (8/28/1990)
95.135   Annual tax to pay principal and interest — indebtedness to be retired in twenty years. (8/28/1945)
95.145   Election. (8/28/1978)
95.150   Form of ballot. (8/28/1978)
95.155   Bonds issued, when, terms. (8/28/1990)
95.160   Provisions of sections 95.115 to 95.155, scope of. (8/28/1939)
95.165   Treasurer or other officer to register bonds when requested. (8/28/1939)
95.170   Form of bonds. (8/28/1939)
95.320   Bonds to issue, when — rate of interest. (8/28/1939)
95.325   Not to increase indebtedness. (8/28/1939)
95.330   Sinking and interest funds to be provided for. (8/28/1939)
95.335   Bonds to be negotiable. (8/28/1939)
95.340   Bonds not to be registered with state auditor. (8/28/1939)
95.345   May issue bonds for certain purposes. (8/28/1949)
95.350   Bonded debt and interest, power to levy tax for — funding outstanding debts. (8/28/1939)
95.360   Collector to settle monthly with treasury. (8/28/1939)
95.370   Bonds may be issued to pay judgments, when — procedure. (8/28/1990)
95.375   Indebtedness of city not to be increased — proceeds from sale of bonds, how applied. (8/28/1939)
95.380   Tax to be levied for payment of bonds and interest. (8/28/1939)
95.385   Election to be held. (8/28/1978)
95.390   Form of ballot. (8/28/1978)
95.395   Bonds to be registered. (8/28/1939)
95.400   Construction of law. (8/28/1939)
95.405   Bonds may be issued. (8/28/1949)
95.410   Board may levy tax to pay interest on bonds — may issue bonds. (8/28/1990)
95.415   May issue bonds for payment of judgment — how sold. (8/28/1939)
95.420   Amounts — time to run — rate of interest — where paid. (8/28/1939)
95.425   Net income from water and light plants, how applied. (8/28/1939)
95.430   Bonds, how sold — proceeds, how applied. (8/28/1939)
95.435   Sinking fund to be provided. (8/28/1939)
95.440   Question to be submitted to voters. (8/28/1978)
95.445   Form of ballot. (8/28/1978)
95.450   Bonds issued, when — procedure, limits. (8/28/1990)
95.455   Bonds to be registered. (8/28/1939)
95.460   Effect of sections 95.415 to 95.455. (8/28/1939)
95.465   Mayor and two houses of legislation defined (cities over 100,000). (8/28/1939)
95.470   Certain cities may issue bonds to pay judgment debts — form, conditions of bonds (cities over 100,000). (8/28/1939)
95.475   Proceeds from sale of bonds used to pay judgment (cities over 100,000). (8/28/1939)
95.480   Sinking fund — annual tax (cities over 100,000). (8/28/1939)
95.485   Debt arising from purchase of waterworks, income applied, how (cities over 100,000). (8/28/1939)
95.490   Bonds presumed to have been regularly authorized and issued — negotiability (cities over 100,000). (8/28/1939)
95.495   Need not be registered with state auditor (cities over 100,000). (8/28/1939)
95.500   Certain laws not repealed — this law not to be impaired (cities over 100,000). (8/28/1939)
95.505   Certain municipal officers to pay fees to treasurer (cities over 200,000). (8/28/1939)
95.510   Board of aldermen to call bond election for national park or plaza (cities over 400,000). (8/28/1978)
95.515   Questions to be submitted — amount of bonds to be voted (cities over 400,000). (8/28/1978)
95.520   Bonds issued, when (cities over 400,000). (8/28/1990)
95.525   United States granted authority to establish parks in state (cities over 400,000). (8/28/1939)
95.527   Additional bonds authorized for national park or plaza — election (cities over 400,000). (8/28/1978)
95.530   Funds committee — membership — chairman — selection of depositary — duties of chairman — financial institutions, agencies and officials to report — bonds and securities — may invest funds, when, how (certain cities). (8/28/2018)
95.535   All fees to be deposited in treasury — duty of comptroller (St. Louis City). (8/28/1945)
95.537   Officers and employees, salaries paid biweekly (St. Louis City). (8/28/1963)
95.540   City may establish pension system for officers, employees and dependents — costs for utility, library, museum and zoo employees, how paid (cities over 450,000). (8/28/1971)
95.545   City may provide medical, health and life insurance for certain employees (St. Louis City). (8/28/1971)
95.547   Employees who may be covered (St. Louis City). (8/28/1971)
95.549   Program, how financed — services covered (St. Louis City). (8/28/1971)
95.551   Employee defined (St. Louis City). (8/28/1971)
95.553   Independent board employees, how handled (St. Louis City). (8/28/1971)
95.555   City authorized to contract with insurers — rules and regulations authorized (St. Louis City). (8/28/1971)
95.556   Officers to administer — membership and benefits as compensation. (8/28/1973)
 - Cross References
Band fund, 71.670
Board of police to determine amount necessary to meet expenses of police department, appropriation (Kansas City), 84.730; (St. Louis), 84.210
Board of public works (third and fourth classification cities) to purchase supplies, when, 91.530
Bond issue for construction of subway in cities with over 100,000 inhabitants, 82.270
Bond issue for erection of jail in special charter cities, 81.110
Bond issues under the National Defense Cooperation Act, revenue bonds, sinking fund, 91.660 to 91.770
Debt, additional amount, votes required, Const. Art. VI § 26(c)
Debt, limitation, amount how determined, vote required, number of votes, Const. Art. VI § 26(b)
Deposits of public funds to be secured, 110.010
Electric plants, additional debt, votes required, Const. Art. VI § 26(e)
Fees of circuit attorney (St. Louis) to constitute contingent fund, how paid out, disposition of balance, 56.530
Fire department pension funds, city over 50,000, source of, 87.505
Firefighters' retirement pension fund, Chap.87
Free public highways over bridges, cities and counties may contract for, bond issues, 234.100 to 234.150
Industrial development indebtedness, Chap. 100
Library building fund, how created, 182.260; expenditures, 182.200
Library fund, management of, in cities of over 300,000, 182.440
Limitation on ownership of corporate stock, use of credit and grants of public funds by local governments, Const. Art. VI § 23
Missouri products to be purchased by officials, 71.140
Park funds in cities of less than 30,000 and in second and third class cities, 90.500
Parking facilities, financing, bonds, 71.360, 82.480
Police retirement pension system in Kansas City, Chap. 86
Pool and billiard table license fees, disposition of, 233.120
Private detectives and watchmen, power to license in certain cities, 84.340, 84.720
Public health nurse, city may appropriate money for, 192.170
Rights-of-way, additional debt, votes required, Const. Art. VI § 26(d)
Sewers, additional debt authorized, votes required, Const. Art. VI § 26(d)
Sheriff's expenses to be paid out of city treasury (St. Louis), 57.520
Special road and bridge tax, disposition of, 137.580
State, county and city property liable for cost of improvements, 88.900
Storm water systems, additional debt, votes required, Const. Art. VI § 26(d)
Street improvements, levy for in special charter cities, 88.790
Streets, additional debt, votes required, Const. Art. VI § 26(d)
Toll bridge revenue bonds, who may issue, refunding bonds, 234.220, 234.260 to 234.300
Treasurer of St. Louis, 82.490 to 82.530
Waterworks, additional debt, votes required, Const. Art. VI § 26(e)
Waterworks, certain cities may construct or acquire waterworks, 91.090 to 91.300
Withholding of salary or compensation for purchase of United States savings bonds, 105.160 to 105.200

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