701.353. Elevator safety board established, appointment, terms, vacancies, qualifications — meetings called when, chairman how elected, quorum, expenses. — 1. There is hereby established an "Elevator Safety Board" to be composed of eleven members, one of whom shall be the director of the department of public safety. The remaining ten members of the board shall be appointed by the governor with the advice and consent of the senate. Each member appointed by the governor shall be appointed for a term of five years or until his* successor is appointed. The governor shall fill any vacancy on the board for the remainder of the unexpired term with a representative of the same interest as that of the member whose term is vacant. No more than six members of the board, who are not employees of state or local government, shall be members of the same political party.
2. Two members of the board shall represent the interests of labor and shall be involved in the elevator industry. Two members of the board shall be representatives of manufacturers of elevators used in this state. One member of the board shall be an architect or mechanical engineer. One member of the board shall be a representative of owners of buildings affected by sections 701.350 to 701.380. Two members shall be building officials with responsibility for administering elevator regulations, one from each municipality having a population of at least three hundred fifty thousand inhabitants. One member of the board shall be a representative of the disabled community who is familiar with the provisions of the Federal Americans with Disabilities Act. One member shall be a representative of the special inspectors.
3. The director of the department shall call the first meeting of the board within sixty days after all members have been appointed and qualified. The members from among their membership shall elect a chairman. After the initial meeting the members shall meet at the call of the chairman, but shall meet at least four times per year. Six members of the board shall constitute a quorum.
4. The members of the board shall serve without pay, but they shall receive per diem expenses in an equivalent amount as allowed for members of the general assembly.
(L. 1994 H.B. 1035 § 2)
*Word "their" appears in original rolls.
---- end of effective 28 Aug 1994 ----
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