70.837. Emergencies — public safety agencies may provide aid to other public safety agencies in state and bordering states. — 1. In addition to the emergency aid powers prescribed for municipal fire departments, fire protection associations and volunteer fire protection associations under section 320.090, any public safety agency, including, but not limited to, any emergency medical service, political subdivision police department, county sheriff's department, political subdivision emergency management unit or department formed pursuant to chapter 44, political subdivision public works department, or public or private contractors of any of such public safety agency may provide assistance to any other public safety agency in the state or in a bordering state at the time of a significant emergency such as a fire, earthquake, flood, tornado, hazardous material incident or other such disaster. The chief or highest ranking officer of the public safety agency may render aid to any requesting agency as long as he is acting in accordance with the policies and procedures set forth by the governing body of that public safety agency.
2. When responding on emergency aid requests, a public safety agency and any public or private contractors of any such public safety agency shall be subject to all provisions of law as if it were providing service within its own jurisdiction.
(L. 1992 H.B. 953 merged with S.B. 481)
---- end of effective 28 Aug 1992 ----
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