☰ Revisor of Missouri


Chapter 620

< > Effective - 28 Aug 2024    bottom

  620.3900.  Citation of law — definitions. — 1.  Sections 620.3900 to 620.3930 shall be known and may be cited as the "Regulatory Sandbox Act".

  2.  For the purposes of sections 620.3900 to 620.3930, the following terms shall mean:

  (1)  "Advisory committee", the general regulatory sandbox program advisory committee created in section 620.3910;

  (2)  "Applicable agency", a department or agency of the state that by law regulates a business activity and persons engaged in such business activity, including the issuance of licenses or other types of authorization, and which the regulatory relief office determines would otherwise regulate a sandbox participant.  A participant may fall under multiple applicable agencies if multiple agencies regulate the business activity that is subject to the sandbox program application.  Applicable agency shall not include the division of professional registration and its boards, commissions, committees, and offices;

  (3)  "Applicant" or "sandbox applicant", a person or business that applies to participate in the sandbox program;

  (4)  "Consumer", a person who purchases or otherwise enters into a transaction or agreement to receive a product or service offered through the sandbox program pursuant to a demonstration by a program participant;

  (5)  "Demonstrate" or "demonstration", to temporarily provide an offering of an innovative product or service in accordance with the provisions of the sandbox program;

  (6)  "Department", the department of economic development;

  (7)  "Innovation", the use or incorporation of a new idea, a new or emerging technology, or a new use of existing technology to address a problem, provide a benefit, or otherwise offer a product, production method, or service;

  (8)  "Innovative offering", an offering of a product or service that includes an innovation;

  (9)  "Product", a commercially distributed good that is:

  (a)  Tangible personal property; and

  (b)  The result of a production process;

  (10)  "Production", the method or process of creating or obtaining a good, which may include assembling, breeding, capturing, collecting, extracting, fabricating, farming, fishing, gathering, growing, harvesting, hunting, manufacturing, mining, processing, raising, or trapping a good;

  (11)  "Regulatory relief office", the office responsible for administering the sandbox program within the department;

  (12)  "Sandbox participant" or "participant", a person or business whose application to participate in the sandbox program is approved in accordance with the provisions of section 620.3915;

  (13)  "Sandbox program", the general regulatory sandbox program created in sections 620.3900 to 620.3930 that allows a person to temporarily demonstrate an innovative offering of a product or service under a waiver or suspension of one or more state regulations;

  (14)  "Sandbox program director", the director of the regulatory relief office;

  (15)  "Service", any commercial activity, duty, or labor performed for another person or business.  Service shall not include a product or service when its use would impact rates, statutorily authorized service areas, or system safety or reliability of an electrical corporation or gas corporation, as defined in section 386.020, as determined by the public service commission, or of any rural electric cooperative organized or operating under the provisions of chapter 394, or to any corporation organized on a nonprofit or a cooperative basis as described in subsection 1 of section 394.200, or to any electrical corporation operating under a cooperative business plan as described in subsection 2 of section 393.110, or of any municipally owned utility organized or operating under the provisions of chapter 91, or of any joint municipal utility commission organized or operating under the provisions of sections 393.700 to 393.770.


(L. 2024 S.B. 894 & 825)

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