210.320. Regulation of detention facility — taxation of cigarettes to support, rate — discount for wholesaler — refunds — failing to affix stamps or pay tax, penalty — possession of unstamped cigarettes, prima facie evidence cigarettes intended for sale, exception — seizure of property, when, procedure — rules, procedure — violation of a misdemeanor — budget (certain first class counties). — 1. The county commission or other legislative authority in any such county, or the circuit judges en banc in any first class county with the greater part of a city of three hundred fifty thousand or more population, shall make all rules and regulations for the government of such places of detention, make a budget for operations, appoint officers and attendants, including teachers, prescribe their duties and fix their compensation. The expense of maintaining such place of detention, including the compensation of officers and employees thereof, shall be paid out of any funds available for the purpose, as the county commission deems proper; except, that no portion of the special road fund shall be appropriated for this purpose.
2. In any first class county with the greater part of a city of three hundred fifty thousand or more population, to defray in whole or in part the expenses of such places of detention and any other children's services, the county commission or other legislative authority is hereby authorized to impose a tax on the sale of cigarettes made of tobacco or any substitute for tobacco, not to exceed two and one-half mills per cigarette sold in the county.
3. The rate of taxation shall not be greater than the amount required for children's services.
4. The county cigarette tax shall be collected by the state department of revenue in the same manner as is provided by chapter 149 for the collection of the state cigarette tax. The director of revenue shall retain, from the county tax collected, one percent of the amount collected and deposit that amount in the state general revenue fund to help defray the cost to the state of collecting and distributing this tax.
5. The county tax shall be paid, county stamps or meter impressions shall be affixed, records covering the business carried on in any county adopting the tax herein provided shall be kept in Missouri, records shall be subject to the examination of any authorized representative of the director, and reports covering the county tax required by the director shall be filed in the same manner as is provided by chapter 149 for the state cigarette tax; except, that the payment of the county tax shall not be deferred and a two percent discount shall be given any wholesaler for affixing stamps or making reports required by the director.
6. The director may make refunds or exchange county stamps or meter units on unused county stamps or meter units or on county stamps or meter impressions affixed to any packages of cigarettes which have become unsalable in the same manner as is provided by chapter 149 for the refund or exchange of state cigarette tax stamps or meter units.
7. If after any audit, examination of records or other investigation the director finds that any person has sold cigarettes in any county adopting the cigarette tax herein provided, without county stamps or meter impressions affixed thereto or that any person has failed to pay the county tax on cigarettes sold in such counties, the director shall assess such county tax against such person, together with a penalty equal to one hundred percent of the county tax due and the tax and penalty thereon shall bear interest at the rate of six percent per annum from the date such cigarettes were sold in such county until the date of payment. The county taxes and penalties assessed under this section shall be a first lien on all property and assets of such person within this state.
8. No person, other than licensed wholesalers or other persons specifically provided for in chapter 149, shall possess for the purpose of sale in any county adopting the tax herein provided, any cigarettes to which stamps or meter impressions evidencing the county tax are not affixed. Mere possession of unstamped packages of such cigarettes shall be prima facie evidence that the cigarettes are intended for sale in such county.
9. All cigarettes to which county stamps or meter impressions are not affixed which shall be found in the possession, custody, or control of any person, for the purpose of being consumed, sold or transported into, within or through any county adopting the tax herein provided, for the purpose of evading the provision of this section, or with intent to avoid payment of the county tax authorized hereunder, and any motor vehicle, truck or other conveyance whatsoever used in the transportation of such cigarettes, and all paraphernalia, equipment or other tangible personal property incident to the use of such purposes, found in the place, building, vehicle, or vehicles where the cigarettes are found may be seized by the director or his duly authorized agents, or any peace officer within the state, and the same shall be, from the time of the seizure, forfeited to the county of seizure and a proper proceeding filed in a court of competent jurisdiction in the county of seizure, to maintain the seizure and prosecute the forfeiture in the same manner as is provided by section 149.055 for the state cigarette tax.
10. The director of revenue of this state shall promulgate reasonable and necessary regulations for the collection of this tax. No rule or portion of a rule promulgated under the authority of this section shall become effective unless it has been promulgated pursuant to the provisions of section 536.024.
11. Any person who commits any act or omission with regard to cigarettes sold or intended to be sold in any county adopting the tax herein provided; or with relation to stamps applied or intended to be applied to cigarettes for sale in any such county, or with respect to records, reports, or returns of sales made taxable under this section; which if done with regard to cigarettes made taxable under chapter 149, or stamps or records prescribed thereunder, would be a violation of said chapter, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction shall be punished as provided by law.
12. The budget for the operation of such places of detention shall be fixed by the circuit judges en banc in counties of the first class with the greater part of a city of three hundred fifty thousand or more population. Such budget shall be filed with the county commission or other legislative authority at the same time as, and becomes a part of, the budget of the circuit court en banc for the performance of its other duties and functions.
(RSMo 1939 § 9189, A.L. 1969 S.B. 241, A.L. 1976 S.B. 707, A.L. 1978 H.B. 1634, A.L. 1993 S.B. 52, A.L. 1995 S.B. 3)
Prior revisions: 1929 § 14849; 1919 § 13804; 1909 § 1711
---- end of effective 28 Aug 1995 ----
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