☰ Revisor of Missouri


Chapter 238

< > Effective - 30 May 1990, see footnote    bottom

  238.305.  Purpose of law. — 1.  The general assembly declares that:

  (1)  The present and prospective traffic congestion and limited roadways in many areas of this state, and the limited availability of state funds, require as a public purpose the promotion and development of public transportation facilities and systems by new and alternative means;

  (2)  The creation of transportation corporations by private parties in cooperation with the commission is essential to the continued economic growth of this state, is in the public interest, and will promote the health, safety and general welfare of the citizens of this state by securing for them expanded and improved transportation facilities and systems;

  (3)  The transportation corporations created under sections 238.300 to 238.360 will perform an essential function by acting to secure and obtain rights-of-way for urgently needed transportation systems and to assist in the planning and design of such systems;

  (4)  The transportation corporations created under sections 238.300 to 238.360 will perform many functions normally undertaken by the commission and its staff, and thus will reduce the burdens and demands on limited funds available to the commission, thereby increasing the effectiveness and impact of those funds available to the commission;

  (5)  The transportation corporations created under sections 238.300 to 238.360 will act in promoting and developing public transportation facilities and systems and in promoting economic development in this state, and will not act as the agent or instrumentality of any private interests even though many private interests may be benefitted by the transportation corporations, as will the general public.  The transportation corporations created under sections 238.300 to 238.360 shall periodically make a showing to the state transportation department of a good faith effort of development and implementation of a women and minority employment and business plan.  Only after such a showing of a good faith effort may the transportation corporations created under sections 238.300 to 238.360 waive the general policy of women and minority employment and business plan and involvement.  If such policy is waived, the transportation corporations created under sections 238.300 to 238.360 shall make a showing of a good faith effort of development and implementation of a women and minority employment and business plan every three months until such policy is again in effect.

  2.  Sections 238.300 to 238.360 shall be liberally construed in conformance with the legislative findings and purposes set forth in this section.


(L. 1990 S.B. 479 & 649 § 12)

Effective 5-30-90

---- end of effective  30 May 1990 ----

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