☰ Revisor of Missouri


Chapter 242

< > Effective - 28 Aug 1939    bottom

  242.370.  Existing drains may be connected. — 1.  At the time of the construction, in any district incorporated under sections 242.010 to 242.690, of the plan for reclamation herein referred to, all ditches or systems of drainage already constructed in said district and all watercourses shall, if necessary to the drainage of any of the lands in said district, be connected with and made a part of the works and improvements of the plan of drainage of said district.

  2.  But no ditches, drains or systems of drainage constructed in said district after the completion of the aforesaid plan of drainage of said district, shall be connected therewith, unless the consent of the board of supervisors shall be first had and obtained, which consent shall be in writing and shall particularly describe the method, terms and conditions of such connection, and shall be approved by the chief engineer.  Said connection, if made, shall be in strict accord with the method, terms and conditions laid down in said consent.

  3.  If the landowner or owners wishing to make such connection are refused by the board of supervisors or decline to accept the consent granted, the said landowner or owners may file a petition for such connection in the circuit court having jurisdiction in said district, and the matter in dispute shall in a summary manner be decided by said court which decision shall be final and binding on the district and landowner or owners.

  4.  No connection with the works or improvements of said plan of drainage of said district or with any ditch, drain or artificial drainage wholly within said district shall be made, caused or effected by any landowner or owners, company or corporation, municipal or private, by means of or with any ditch, drain, cut, fill, roadbed, levee, embankment or artificial drainage, wholly without the limits of said district, unless such connection is consented to by the board of supervisors, or in the manner herein provided.


(RSMo 1939 § 12376)

Prior revisions: 1929 § 10795; 1919 § 4425; 1909 § 5531

---- end of effective  28 Aug 1939 ----

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