254.110. Compensatory payments to counties. — 1. The commission shall determine as of January first of each year the number of acres of privately owned forest cropland which has been accepted in each county under this chapter. The commission shall pay to each county in which these lands are situated a certain sum from the conservation commission fund as a grant in lieu of taxes, this sum to be set by the commission at not less than fifty cents per acre per year for each acre so accepted.
2. The grants in lieu of taxes so received by the respective counties shall be placed in the general revenue fund of each such county.
3. The commission shall annually certify to the commissioner of administration and the state auditor the amount payable to each county and the treasurer is authorized to pay, and, after appropriations are made as provided in this section, such amounts shall be paid to such counties on or before the first day of January following. This section shall not be retroactive.
(L. 1945 p. 672 § 10, A.L. 1955 p. 316, A.L. 1957 p. 311, A.L. 1965 p. 388, A.L. 1974 H.B. 1210, A.L. 1981 H.B. 308)
---- end of effective 28 Aug 1981 ----
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