315.015. License fees — where deposited — notice of fee, issued when — license to be issued, when, displayed, where — revocation, grounds — expiration, when. — 1. The license fee shall be fifty dollars for each lodging establishment, plus two dollars per guest room for each guest room above ten and through twenty, plus one dollar per guest room for each guest room above twenty.
2. After the lodging establishment has been inspected by the department and approved for licensing, notice of the license fee shall be issued to the owner. Upon subsequent payment of such fee, the director of the department of health and senior services shall issue a license which shall be kept properly framed and in a conspicuous place at the lodging establishment. The department director may revoke the license as prescribed in subsection 1 of section 315.041, when the law or applicable code is not held in compliance.
3. Each license shall expire on the thirtieth day of September next following its issuance. All fees collected under the provisions of sections 315.005 to 315.065 shall be paid to the director of revenue and deposited by him in the state treasury to the credit of the general revenue fund.
(L. 1985 S.B. 279 § 4, A.L. 2004 S.B. 842)
Effective 6-25-04
---- end of effective 25 Jun 2004 ----
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