630.085. Annual report by director, to whom, when, contents. — 1. The director shall make an annual written report on behalf of the department to the governor and the general assembly within ninety days of the end of each fiscal year.
2. The report shall include pertinent information as to the cost and benefit effectiveness of activities, projects, plans and accomplishments of the department and each of its divisions, together with statistics and summaries of financial receipts and expenditures as the director may, with the advice of the commission, deem necessary and expedient. The reports may be presented in sections compiled on behalf of each respective division of the department.
3. The department shall indicate every two years in every even-numbered year whether each department facility is in compliance with standards applicable to the facility, the deficiencies which cause the facility not to be in compliance if it is not and the actions necessary for the facility to achieve compliance, unless the report states the reasons for the facility not to attempt to achieve compliance.
(L. 1980 H.B. 1724)
---- end of effective 28 Aug 1980 ----
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