640.710. Department to regulate facilities — rules — setback — exemption. — 1. The department shall promulgate rules regulating the establishment, permitting, design, construction, operation and management of class I facilities. The department shall have the authority and jurisdiction to regulate the establishment, permitting, design, construction, operation and management of any class I facility. Such rules may require monitoring wells on a site-specific basis when, in the determination of the division of geology and land survey, class IA concentrated animal feeding operation lagoons are located in hydrologically sensitive areas where the quality of groundwater may be compromised. Such rules and regulations shall be designed to afford a prudent degree of environmental protection while accommodating modern agricultural practices.
2. Except as provided in subsections 3 and 4 of this section, the department shall require at least but not more than the following buffer distances between the nearest confinement building or lagoon and any public building or occupied residence, except a residence which is owned by the concentrated animal feeding operation or a residence from which a written agreement for operation is obtained:
(1) For concentrated animal feeding operations with at least one thousand animal units, one thousand feet;
(2) For concentrated animal feeding operations with between three thousand and six thousand nine hundred ninety-nine animal units inclusive, two thousand feet; and
(3) For concentrated animal feeding operations of seven thousand or more animal units, three thousand feet.
3. All concentrated animal feeding operations in existence as of June 25, 1996, shall be exempt from the buffer distances prescribed in subsection 2 of this section. Such distances shall not apply to concentrated animal feeding operations which have received a written agreement which has been signed by all affected property owners within the buffer distance.
4. The department may, upon review of the information contained in the site plan including, but not limited to, the prevailing winds, topography and other local environmental factors, authorize a distance which is less than the distance prescribed in subsection 2 of this section. The department's recommendation shall be sent to the governing body of the county in which such site is proposed. The department's authorized buffer distance shall become effective unless the county governing body rejects the department's recommendation by a majority vote at the next meeting of the governing body after the recommendation is received.
5. Nothing in this section shall be construed as restricting local controls.
(L. 1996 H.B. 1207)
Effective 6-25-96
---- end of effective 25 Jun 1996 ----
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