643.173. Small business technical assistance program established, duties — advisory committee created, members, appointment, terms, compensation, duties. — 1. There is hereby established within the department of natural resources a "Small Business Technical Assistance Program" which shall provide support and assistance to small business. To the maximum extent possible, the program shall be functionally separate from the department's air pollution enforcement responsibilities. The program shall advise regulated small business regarding permit application requirements, applicable provisions of 643.010 to 643.190, and such other matters affecting small business as deemed appropriate by the committee. The commission shall establish time frames in which specific classes of deficiencies, except those affecting public health or the environment, shall be corrected.
2. The small business technical assistance program shall be advised by a "Small Business Compliance Advisory Committee" which is hereby created. One member shall be appointed by the director of the department, two members shall be appointed by the governor to represent the public and four owners of small businesses regulated under this chapter shall be appointed by the general assembly, one each appointed by the majority and minority leaders of each chamber of the general assembly. No member of the air conservation commission shall serve as a member of the small business compliance advisory committee. The term of office shall be four years except that of those first appointed, one member appointed by the governor, one member appointed by the senate and one member appointed by the house of representatives shall be appointed to two-year terms. Members shall serve until their successors are duly appointed and qualified and vacancies shall be filled by appointment for the remaining portion of the unexpired term created by the vacancy. The members shall be reimbursed for actual and necessary expenses incurred in the performance of their duties while in attendance at committee meetings.
3. The committee shall:
(1) Receive reports from the ombudsman pursuant to section 643.175;
(2) Evaluate the impact of sections 643.010 to 643.190 and the rules promulgated thereunder on small business;
(3) Review and assess the impact of enforcement policies on small business operations in Missouri;
(4) Recommend to the department, the commission and the general assembly, as appropriate, changes in procedure, in rules or in the law which would facilitate small business compliance with sections 643.010 to 643.190;
(5) Recommend to the commission rules establishing an expedited review of modifications for small businesses;
(6) Conduct hearings, determine facts and make investigations consistent with the purposes of this section.
(L. 1992 S.B. 544)
---- end of effective 28 Aug 1992 ----
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