650.245. Special inspectors, appointed, when — qualifications, duties. — 1. In addition to the deputy boiler inspectors authorized by section 650.240, the director shall, upon the request of any company licensed to insure and insuring in this state boilers and pressure vessels, or, upon the request of any company operating pressure vessels in this state for which the owner or user maintains a regularly established inspection service which is under the supervision of one or more engineers whose qualifications are satisfactory to the board and causes the pressure vessels to be regularly inspected and rated by the inspection service in accordance with applicable provisions of the rules and regulations adopted by the board pursuant to section 650.215, issue to any inspectors of the company commissions as special inspectors. Each inspector before receiving his commission shall satisfactorily pass the examination provided for by section 650.250, or, in lieu of the examination, shall hold a commission or a certificate of competency as an inspector of boilers and pressure vessels for a state that has a standard of examination substantially equal to that of the state of Missouri or a commission as an inspector of boilers and pressure vessels issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors. A commission as a special inspector shall be issued to an inspector of a company operating pressure vessels in this state only if, in addition to meeting the requirements stated in this section, the inspector is employed full time by the company and is responsible for making inspections of pressure vessels used, or to be used, by the company, and which are not for resale.
2. The special inspectors shall receive no salary from, nor shall any of their expenses be paid by, the state, and the continuance of a special inspector's commission shall be conditioned upon his continuing in the employ of the boiler insurance company or upon continuing in the employ of the company so operating pressure vessels in this state and upon his maintenance of the standards imposed by sections 650.200 to 650.290.
3. The special inspectors shall inspect all boilers and pressure vessels insured or all pressure vessels operated by their respective companies, and, when so inspected, the owners and users of the boilers and pressure vessels shall be exempt from the payment to the state of the inspection fees provided for in section 650.275.
(L. 1984 H.B. 1060 § 10)
---- end of effective 28 Aug 1984 ----
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