☰ Revisor of Missouri


Chapter 67

< > Effective - 04 Feb 1993, see footnote    bottom

  67.1180.  Dissolution of district, procedures — trustee, appointment, duties. — 1.  Whenever a petition calling for dissolution of a lake area business district, signed by two-thirds of the owners of real property subject to ad valorem taxes on such real property in the district who collect the lodging tax, organized pursuant to sections 67.1170 to 67.1180, is filed with the county commission of any county in which such district is situated, setting forth the name of the district and the number of acres owned by each signer of such petition and the whole number of acres in such district, the county commission may, if in its opinion the public good will be thereby advanced, dissolve such lake area business district.  No such lake area business district shall be dissolved until notice is published in a newspaper of general circulation in the county where the district is situated for four weeks successively prior to the hearing of the petition.

  2.  No dissolution of such lake area business district shall invalidate or affect any right accruing to such lake area business district or to any person, or invalidate or affect any contract entered into or imposed on such lake area business district.

  3.  Whenever the county commission dissolves any such lake area business district, the county commission shall appoint a person to act as trustee for the district so dissolved, and such trustee, before entering upon the discharge of his duties, shall take and subscribe an oath that he will faithfully discharge the duties of his office, and shall give bond with sufficient security to be approved by the county commission, to the use of such dissolved lake area business district, conditioned for the faithful discharge of his duty.  The trustee may prosecute and defend to final judgment all suits instituted by or against the district, collect all moneys due the district, liquidate all lawful demands against the district, and for that purpose shall sell any property belonging to such district, or so much thereof as may be necessary, and generally to do all acts requisite to bring to a speedy close all the affairs of the district, and for that purpose, under the order and direction of the county commission, to exercise all the powers given by law to such district.

  4.  When the trustee has closed the affairs of the lake area business district, and has paid all debts due by such district, he shall pay over to the county treasurer all money remaining in his hands, and take receipt therefor, and deliver to the clerk of such county commission all books, papers, records and deeds belonging to the dissolved lake area business district.


(L. 1993 H.B. 345 § 15)

Effective 2-04-93

(2024)  Sections 67.1175 and 67.1177 requiring political subdivisions to grant public money to a private entity declared unconstitutional as violating Article VI, Section 23 of the Missouri Constitution.  The remaining provisions of sections 67.1170 to 67.1180 could not be severed and are declared invalid in their entirety.  Salamun v. The Camden County Clerk and Griswold v. Miller County, 694 S.W.3d 424 (Mo.banc).

---- end of effective  04 Feb 1993 ----

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