☰ Revisor of Missouri


Chapter 67

< > Effective - 28 Aug 2002    bottom

  67.1822.  Annual report submitted by commission to CEOs of city and county — CPA appointed by city and county for the commission. — 1.  Before the second Monday in April of each year, the regional taxicab commission shall make an annual report to the chief executive officers and to the governing bodies of the city and county stating the conditions of the commission as of the first day of January of that year, and the sums of money received and distributed by it during the preceding calendar year.

  2.  Before the close of the regional taxicab commission's first fiscal year and at the close of each fiscal year thereafter, the chief executives of the city and the county shall appoint one or more certified public accountants who shall annually examine the books, papers, documents, accounts, and vouchers of the commission, and who shall report thereon to the chief executives of the city and the county and to the regional taxicab commission.  The commission shall produce and submit for examination all books, papers, documents, accounts, and vouchers, and shall in every way assist such certified public accountants in the performance of their duties pursuant to this section.


(L. 2002 H.B. 1041)

---- end of effective  28 Aug 2002 ----

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