99.980. Businesses relocating in development area, authority to report to department, when — status of development plan, report to be submitted, contents — access to project sites — annual financial statements required. — 1. By the last day of February each year, the municipality or authority shall report to the director of the department of economic development the name, address, phone number, and primary line of business of any business which relocates to the development area.
2. Each year the governing body of the municipality, or its designee, shall prepare a report concerning the status of the development plan, the development area, and the included development projects, and shall submit a copy of such report to the director of the department of economic development. The report shall include the following:
(1) The name, street and mailing addresses, phone number, and chief officer of the granting body;
(2) The name, street and mailing addresses, phone number, and chief officer of any business benefitting from public expenditures in such development plans and projects;
(3) The amount and source of revenue in the special allocation fund;
(4) The amount and purpose of expenditures from the special allocation fund;
(5) The amount of any pledge of revenues, including principal and interest on any outstanding bonded indebtedness;
(6) The original equalized assessed value of the development area;
(7) The assessed valuation added to the development area;
(8) Payments made in lieu of taxes received and expended;
(9) The economic activity taxes generated within the development area in the baseline year;
(10) The economic activity taxes generated within the development area after the baseline year;
(11) Reports on contracts made incident to the implementation and furtherance of a development area, the development plan, and the included development projects;
(12) A copy of the development plan;
(13) The cost of any property acquired, disposed of, rehabilitated, reconstructed, repaired, or remodeled;
(14) The number of parcels acquired by or through initiation of eminent domain proceedings;
(15) For municipalities with more than four hundred thousand inhabitants and located in more than one county, any county with a charter form of government and with more than one million inhabitants, any city not within a county, and any county of the first classification with more than one hundred thirty-five thousand four hundred but less than one hundred thirty-five thousand five hundred inhabitants and any municipality located therein, the number of development projects developed in connection with community development corporations and the amount of funds generated pursuant to section 99.957 which are expended in connection with such project;
(16) A summary of the number of net new jobs created, categorized by full-time, part-time, and temporary positions, and by wage groups;
(17) The comparison of the total employment in this state by any business, including any corporate parent, benefitting from public expenditures in the development area on the date of the application compared to such employment on the date of the report, categorized by full-time, part-time, and temporary positions;
(18) A statement as to whether public expenditures on any development project during the previous fiscal year have reduced employment at any other site controlled by any business benefitting from public expenditures in the development area or its corporate parent, within or without of this state as a result of automation, merger, acquisition, corporate restructuring, or other business activity;
(19) A summary of the other community and economic benefits resulting from the project, consistent with those identified in the application;
(20) A signed certification by the chief officer of the authority or municipality as to the accuracy of the progress report; and
(21) Any additional reasonable information the department of economic development deems necessary.
3. The report shall include an analysis of the distribution of state supplemental downtown development financing by municipality and by economic development region, as defined by the department of economic development.
4. The department shall compile and publish all data from the progress reports in both written and electronic form, including the department's internet website.
5. The department shall have access at all reasonable times to the project site and the records of any authority or municipality in order to monitor the development project or projects and to prepare progress reports.
6. Data contained in the report required pursuant to the provisions of subsection 1 of this section and any information regarding amounts disbursed to municipalities pursuant to the provisions of sections 99.957 and 99.963 shall be deemed a public record, as defined in section 610.010.
7. Any municipality failing to file an annual report as required pursuant to this section shall be ineligible to receive any disbursements from the state supplemental downtown development fund pursuant to section 99.963.
8. The Missouri development finance board and the department of economic development shall annually review the reports provided pursuant to this section.
9. The director of the department of economic development shall submit a report to the governor, the speaker of the house of representatives, and the president pro tempore of the senate no later than April thirtieth of each year. The report shall contain a summary of all information received by the director of economic development pursuant to subsection 2 of this section.
10. An annual statement showing the payments made in lieu of taxes received and expended in that year, the status of the development area, the development plan, the development projects in the development plan, the amount of outstanding obligations, and any additional information that the municipality deems necessary shall be published in a newspaper of general circulation in the municipality.
11. Five years after the establishment of the development area and the development plan and every five years thereafter the governing body of the municipality or authority shall hold a public hearing regarding the development area and the development plan and the development projects adopted pursuant to sections 99.915 to 99.980. The purpose of the hearing shall be to determine if the development area, development plan, and the included development projects are making satisfactory progress under the proposed time schedule contained within the approved development plan for completion of such development projects. Notice of such public hearing shall be given in a newspaper of general circulation in the area served by the municipality or authority once each week for four weeks immediately prior to the hearing.
(L. 2003 H.B. 289)
Effective 7-07-03
---- end of effective 07 Jul 2003 ----
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