☰ Revisor of Missouri


Effective - 02 Dec 2010, see footnote    bottom

  VI Section 18(b).  Provisions required in county charters — exception. — The charter shall provide for its amendment, for the form of the county government, the number, kinds, manner of selection, terms of office and salaries of the county officers, and for the exercise of all powers and duties of counties and county officers prescribed by the constitution and laws of the state; however, such charter shall, except for the charter of any county with a charter form of government and with more than six hundred thousand but fewer than seven hundred thousand inhabitants, require the assessor of the county to be an elected officer.


Source: Const. of 1945 (Amended August 8, 1978) (Amended November 8, 1994) (Amended April 4, 1995) (Amended November 2, 2010).

(1955) Sheriff held county officer within meaning of § 18, Art. VI of the Constitution so that county charter could transfer his policing and law enforcement functions to county police department. State on Inf. Dalton ex rel. Shepley v. Gamble, 365 Mo. 215, 280 S.W.2d 656.

(1955) Ballot submitting amendment to charter which contained summary statement as to legal effect of amendment creating county police department held sufficient. State on Inf. Dalton ex rel. Shepley v. Gamble, 365 Mo. 215, 280 S.W.2d 656.

(1956) City of St. Louis had no authority under § 18, Art. VI to include in a proposed new or revised charter provisions relating to number, kinds, manner of selection, terms of office and salaries of county officers. Stemmler v. Einstein (Mo.), 297 S.W.2d 467.

(1957) Ordinance of contitutional charter county of the first class which authorized the execution of contracts by the assessor for a revaluation study of property in the county held not to conflict with § 137.230, RSMo, and within constitutional powers of county. Hellman v. St. Louis County (Mo.), 302 S.W.2d 911.

(1957) Provision requiring charter to contain provisions for exercise of the powers of county officers carries with it an implied grant of such powers as are reasonably necessary to the exercise of the powers granted and are not contrary to public policy of the state. Hellman v. St. Louis County (Mo.), 302 S.W.2d 911.

(1960) St. Louis County ordinance providing for procedure on filing county referendum petitions which made circuit court judgment as to sufficiency of petitions unappealable, held invalid as conflicting with § 512.020. Carson v. Oxenhandler (A.), 334 S.W.2d 394.

(1968) The constitution does not give a first class charter county the right to submit proposals as to the manner of selection of circuit, probate, and magistrate judges as the selection of such judges is not a power which is incident to home rule county government. State v. Kirkpatrick (Mo.), 426 S.W.2d 72.

---- end of effective  02 Dec 2010 ----

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