☰ Revisor of Missouri
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 Chapter 85 City Police and Fire Departments Generally 
85.005   Mayor and police authorities can appoint none but residents. (8/28/1939)
85.011   Procedure upon dismissal, demotion, suspension, certain officers. (8/28/1990)
85.012   Municipal fire department may contract with private companies for fire ... (8/28/1999)
85.541   Merit system police department, adoption — requirements of ordinance. (8/28/1997)
85.551   Marshal to be chief of police where department not adopted — assistants and ... (8/28/2013)
85.561   Police officers, conservators of peace — supervision — powers and duties. (8/28/1991)
85.571   Terms of officers unaffected by adoption of merit system. (8/28/1955)
85.610   Marshal — powers. (8/28/1949)
85.620   Size of police force — powers. (8/28/1991)
 - Cross References
Age requirements for law enforcement officers in compliance with federal law is not unlawful employment practice, 213.055
Appointment of men and women law enforcement officers, 71.200
Buildings and residences, ordinance may be enacted to require conspicuous posting of address for emergency location, 67.318
Child less than seventeen years taken into custody, record of law enforcement agency required, 210.004
Cities to defend actions against firemen, when, 537.165
Criminal records, central repository, duty of police to report certain information, 43.503
Disciplinary actions, appeal procedure for certain officers, 590.500
Donation of used personal protection clothing or equipment, immunity from liability, when, 320.091
Doors, officer may break open, when, 105.240
Earthquakes, floods, hazardous waste, tornados, public safety agencies may aid other public service agencies in state and border states, 70.837
Emergency, location of property, ordinance may be enacted to require conspicuous posting of address, 67.318
Fire department, two or more cities may jointly operate, 71.400
Fire prevention regulations for public buildings, Chap. 320,
Fire protection, contracts for between incorporated cities, 71.370 to 71.390
Firemen's arbitration board, 290.350 to 290.380
Hazardous waste emergencies, request for assistance, costs, how paid, 260.545, 260.546
Motor vehicle thefts, police to report to state highway patrol, 301.230
Motor vehicle, numbers altered or defaced, duties of police, 301.390
Scholarships or grants for disabled personnel injured or survivors of personnel killed in the line of duty, 173.260
Tort actions against firemen involving department vehicles, city to defend, 537.165
Towns and villages, marshal, powers and duties, 80.400 to 80.420
Trucks, regulations as to length, width, weight and height, duties of police, 304.230

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3 Dec 2024 10:55

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