☰ Revisor of Missouri


Chapter 115

< > Effective - 13 Jun 1996, see footnote    bottom

  115.106.  Persons administering youth election admitted to polling place — oath — misconduct, removal for. — 1.  Before being permitted to enter the polling place, each person designated by the election authority to administer a simulated youth election shall take the following oath:


I do solemnly swear that I will make no statement nor give any information of any kind tending in any way to show the state of the count prior to the close of the polls on election day.
Sworn and subscribed to before me this _________  day of _________ , 20_________ 
Simulated Youth Election Administrator
Judge of Election


  2.  If any person admitted to the polling place to administer or participate in a simulated youth election interferes with the orderly process of voting, or is guilty of misconduct or any law violation, the election judges shall ask the person to leave the polling place or cease the interference.  If the interference continues, the election judges shall notify the election authority, which shall take such action as it deems necessary.  It shall be the duty of the police, if requested by the election authority or judges of election, to exclude any such person from the polling place or the place where votes are being counted.


(L. 1996 H.B. 1557 & 1489 § 3)

Effective 6-13-96

---- end of effective  13 Jun 1996 ----

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