☰ Revisor of Missouri


Chapter 161

< > Effective - 28 Aug 2018, 2 histories    bottom

  161.106.  Career and student organizations' activities, department to provide staffing support — handling of organization funds. — 1.  The department of elementary and secondary education shall provide staffing support including but not limited to statewide coordination for career and technical student organizations' activities that are an integral part of the instructional educational curriculum for career and technical education programs approved by the department.  Such career and technical organizations shall include, but not be limited to, the nationally recognized organizations of DECA, FBLA, FFA, FCCLA, HOSA, SkillsUSA, and TSA.

  2.  The department of elementary and secondary education shall handle the funds from the career and technical student organizations, with department personnel maintaining responsibility for the receipt and disbursement of funds.  The department may ensure accountability and transparency by requiring the career and technical student organizations to provide sworn affidavits annually by personnel in the organization who are responsible for such funds as to the proper receipt and disbursement of such funds.


(L. 2012 S.B. 599 § 1, A.L. 2018 H.B. 1606 merged with S.B. 743)

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