☰ Revisor of Missouri


Chapter 546

< > Effective - 01 Jan 1987, see footnote    bottom

  546.595.  Associate circuit judge to file statement with certain officers if no appeal — collection of fines. — It shall be the duty of the associate circuit judge before whom any conviction may be had under this chapter, if there be no appeal, to make out and certify, and within ten days after the date of the judgment, deliver to the treasurer of the county and clerk of the county commission each a statement of the case, the amount of the fine and return day of the execution, and the name of the officer charged with the collection thereof; and the county treasurer shall charge the officer with the amount of such fine, and unless the same be paid into the county treasury on or before the return day of the execution, the county commission shall, at their next term, ten days' notice being given to the officer in default and his sureties, render an account stated against them for the amount due, and twenty percent thereon, making, however, proper deductions for insolvencies; on which account stated suit may be maintained and when collected, the proceeds paid in the county treasury.


(L. 1978 H.B. 1634, A.L. 1985 S.B. 5, et al.)

Effective 1-01-87

---- end of effective  01 Jan 1987 ----

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