☰ Revisor of Missouri


 Chapter 174 State Colleges and Universities (with repealers and transfers)
174.010   State divided into seven college districts. (1/1/1986)
174.020   Names of state colleges and universities. (7/1/2014)
174.025   Junior college to be referred to as community college in state statutes. (8/28/2008)
174.030   Board authorized to change name — does not grant additional powers or ... (8/28/2015)
174.040   Board of regents, how known — general powers. (8/28/1979)
174.042   Central Missouri State University, authority to convey certain mineral ... (8/28/1981)
174.050   Membership of board of regents. (8/28/1949)
174.055   Student representative to board of regents or governors — appointment, ... (8/28/1999)
174.060   Appointment of boards. (6/27/1986)
174.070   Regents' term of office. (8/28/1939)
174.080   Organization of boards. (8/28/1939)
174.090   Quorum, what constitutes majority of all members, when necessary. (8/28/1939)
174.100   Meetings of boards — regular and special — compensation. (8/28/1939)
174.105   Attendance policy for members of governing boards. (8/28/1996)
174.110   Boards to make rules for own government. (8/28/1939)
174.120   College under general control and management of regents. (8/28/1939)
174.125   Teacher-training institutions to provide physical education courses, first ... (8/28/1998)
174.130   Boards to regulate admission of students. (8/28/1939)
174.140   Employees — terms, compensation, retirement, workers' compensation for. (8/28/1969)
174.150   Causes for removal of president or teacher — notice and hearing — right of ... (8/28/1939)
174.160   Authority to confer degrees. (8/28/2018)
174.170   Annual report, contents. (8/28/1945)
174.180   Treasurer to furnish bond — duties — reports. (8/28/1945)
174.190   Duties of the secretary — compensation. (8/28/1949)
174.200   Funds must not be diverted. (8/28/1939)
174.210   Indebtedness, how paid. (8/28/1939)
174.220   No officer or employee shall be interested in the sale of school supplies ... (8/28/1939)
174.225   No state college or university to seek land grant designation or research ... (8/28/2018)
174.230   Missouri Southern State College — established, when — district. (8/28/1965)
174.231   Missouri Southern State University, mission statement — discontinuance of ... (8/28/2018)
174.233   Missouri Southern State College, three-year plan — review and approval. (8/28/1995)
174.240   (Repealed L. 1975 S.B. 114 § A) (7/1/1977)
174.241   (Repealed L. 2005 S.B. 98 § A) (8/28/2005)
174.250   Missouri Western State University — established, when — district. (8/28/2005)
174.251   Missouri Western State University, mission statement. (8/28/2018)
174.253   Missouri Western State University, three-year plan — review and approval. (8/28/2005)
174.260   (Repealed L. 1975 S.B. 114 § A) (7/1/1977)
174.261   State to fund universities. (8/28/2005)
174.266   (Repealed L. 2010 H.B. 1965 § A) (8/28/2010)
174.270   Colleges subject to law — territory not to be in former state college ... (8/28/1965)
174.281   Southeast Missouri State University, mission statement. (8/28/2021)
174.283   Northwest Missouri State University, mission statement. (8/28/2021)
174.285   Harris-Stowe State University, mission statement. (8/28/2021)
174.300   Harris-Stowe University — board of regents, appointment, terms. (8/28/2005)
174.310   Harris-Stowe State University, transfer of facility — operation — funding — ... (8/28/2015)
174.320   Harris-Stowe State University, retirement system provision. (8/28/2005)
174.323   Central Missouri State University to establish an international safety, ... (7/1/1996)
174.324   (Repealed L. 2018 H.B. 1465 merged with S.B. 807 & 577) (8/28/2018)
174.330   Institution may charge fees for certain services, electronic connection. (8/28/1994)
174.332   Northwest Missouri State University, board of regents, members, terms, ... (8/28/2015)
174.335   Meningococcal disease, all on-campus students to be vaccinated — exemption, ... (8/28/2016)
174.345   Long-term concession projects, concession agreements with private ... (8/28/2019)

Confidentiality, board of governors, recusal, 174.621

Meetings of board, closed to student representatives, when, 174.621

174.450   Board of governors to be appointed for certain public institutions of ... (8/28/2021)
174.453   Board, appointment — certain residency requirements — terms, voting members ... (8/28/2021)
174.455   Expenses of board paid out of revenues of the university — vacancies, how ... (8/28/1995)
174.457   Board of governors, powers, duties, immunities and liabilities, compensation. (8/28/1995)
174.500   West Plains campus of Missouri State University established — mission ... (8/28/2018)
174.600   Truman State University, liberal arts and sciences. (8/28/1995)
174.601   Truman State University, formerly known as Northeast Missouri State University. (7/2/1996)
174.610   Governing board to be board of governors — number of voting and nonvoting ... (8/28/2001)
174.620   Board of governors, appointment — terms — expenses — vacancies. (8/28/2001)
174.621   Confidentiality of board members, recusal — meetings closed to student ... (8/28/2001)
174.630   Organization of Northeast Missouri State University — new degree programs, ... (8/28/1995)
174.700   Board of regents and board of governors may appoint necessary police officers. (8/28/2013)
174.703   Police officers to take oath and be issued certificate of appointment — ... (8/28/2013)
174.706   Boards may appoint guards or watchmen not having authority of police officers. (8/28/2013)
174.709   Vehicular traffic, control of, governing body may regulate — codification — ... (8/28/2017)
174.712   Motor vehicles on campus subject to general motor vehicle laws of Missouri. (8/28/2017)
174.750   Missouri arboretum created under direction of board of regents of Northwest ... (8/28/1993)
174.753   Director of the arboretum, appointment — powers and duties — director to be ... (8/28/1993)
174.755   Arboretum establishment on Northwest State University campus not to limit ... (8/28/1993)
174.757   Director to certify copies of resource record reproduction — director to ... (8/28/1993)
174.759   Friends of Missouri arboretum to be private support group. (8/28/1993)
174.761   Qualified arboretum sites to be accepted as established members of the ... (8/28/1993)
174.770   Jim Sears leadership scholarship program for Truman State University, ... (8/28/1998)
 - Cross References
American Sign Language courses, treated as a foreign language, when, 160.075
Athletic awards of recognition by state for students of Missouri colleges and universities, 160.350
Board of regents within open meetings and records law definition, 610.010
Bookstores, sales by subject to sales tax, 144.513; exempt, when, 144.517
Business assistance offices may be established in higher education institutions, duties, requirements, 620.503
Centers for advanced technology may be established in universities and affiliated research institutes, requirements, 348.272
Confidentiality of board, meetings closed to student representative, when, 174.621
Conflict of interest, policy required, 173.735
Constitution of the United States and state of Missouri to be taught in the state colleges, 170.011
Construction, repairs, improvement projects, movable equipment, furniture, architectural or engineering fees, permitted when, 8.310
Contracts or leases for facilities funded by appropriations to be first approved by the general assembly, 21.527
Depositaries of state college funds to furnish security, 110.010
Driving instruction programs, rules, 302.765
Educational institutions to give preference to Missouri coal, 34.080
Facilities and equipment may be obtained by agreements, procedure, 177.088
Fraternity and sorority real property how assessed for tax purposes, 137.098
Funds of state colleges, general provisions governing, Chap. 31
Legal counsel for colleges to represent against claims, when, 105.716
Legal expense fund, settlements and judgments paid, report to be submitted by public institutions awarding baccalaureate degrees, when, 105.713
License plates with university emblem, procedure and cost to obtain, use of contribution, 301.449
Meningitis, brochure to be made available to colleges and universities, 167.638
Military personnel, children of granted resident status while enrolled in college, 41.890
Physical education, state colleges to provide courses in, 174.125
Printing, boards of regents to determine typography for state colleges, 34.180
Recycling, collection and waste reduction guidelines, 34.032
Retirement system for state employees, certain teachers, state colleges and state universities may elect to join, procedure, 104.342
Revenue bonds of educational institutions, general provisions governing, 176.010 to 176.080
Risk management associations, 176.500 to 176.540
State colleges and universities transferred to department of higher education, 173.005
State colleges and universities transferred to department of higher education, Reorganization Act of 1974, § 6, subsection 4. See Appendix B, RSMo.
State Technical College of Missouri, 178.631 to 178.640
Teaching assistants, graduates, communication in English language requirements, 170.012
Title to real property to vest in board of regents of educational institution, conveyances, procedure, 37.005
Vending facilities, state property, 8.700 to 8.745
Vocational education, federal funds matched when no appropriation made, how, 178.520

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