Chapter 196 Food, Drugs and Tobacco ✹(with repealers and transfers)FOOD, DRUGS AND COSMETICS — REGULATION AND INSPECTION | |||
196.010 | Definitions. (8/28/1943) |
196.015 | Certain acts prohibited. (8/28/1943) |
196.020 | Injunction will lie to restrain violations of section 196.015. (8/28/1943) |
196.025 | Punishment for violations, exceptions. (8/28/1943) |
196.030 | Agent of department of health and senior services shall tag, detain and ... (1/2/1979) |
196.035 | Duty of prosecuting attorney. (8/28/1943) |
196.040 | Department of health and senior services not required to report minor ... (8/28/1943) |
196.045 | Authority for enforcement vested in department of health and senior ... (8/28/1995) |
196.050 | Not to prescribe more stringent regulations than prescribed by federal act. (8/28/1943) |
196.055 | Access to places in which food, drugs, devices or cosmetics are manufactured. (8/28/1943) |
196.056 | Charitable fund-raising events, nonprofit organization may prepare food in ... (8/28/2014) |
196.060 | Carriers in interstate commerce shall permit access to records of shipments. (8/28/1943) |
196.065 | Publication of reports of judgments, decrees and court orders. (8/28/1943) |
196.070 | Food, when deemed adulterated — industrial hemp content, effect of. (8/28/2018) |
196.075 | Food, when deemed misbranded. (8/28/1943) |
196.080 | Permits governing manufacture, processing or packing of certain foods — ... (8/28/1943) |
196.085 | Use of poisonous or deleterious substances. (8/28/1943) |
196.090 | Sections 196.010 to 196.120 not applicable to animal food or garbage. (8/28/1943) |
196.095 | When drug or device adulterated. (8/28/1943) |
196.100 | When drug or device misbranded. (8/28/2019) |
196.105 | Provisions governing selling or delivering new drug. (8/28/1943) |
196.110 | When a cosmetic deemed adulterated. (8/28/1943) |
196.115 | When a cosmetic deemed misbranded. (8/28/1943) |
196.120 | Advertisement, when deemed false. (8/28/1943) |
196.125 | (Repealed L. 1974 S.B. 436 § 1) (8/13/1974) |
196.130 | (Repealed L. 1974 S.B. 436 § 1) (8/13/1974) |
196.135 | (Repealed L. 1974 S.B. 436 § 1) (8/13/1974) |
196.140 | (Repealed L. 1974 S.B. 436 § 1) (8/13/1974) |
196.145 | (Repealed L. 1974 S.B. 436 § 1) (8/13/1974) |
196.150 | Sale of horse and mule meat prohibited except when labeled as such meat. (8/28/1939) |
196.155 | Penalty. (8/28/1939) |
196.160 | Lawful to sell goat meat, when. (8/28/1939) |
196.165 | Falsely representing food to be kosher prohibited, penalty — kosher defined. (8/28/1976) |
196.170 | Mixed flour to be branded. (8/28/1939) |
196.175 | Penalty. (8/28/1949) |
196.180 | (Repealed L. 2010 H.B. 1965 § A) (8/28/2010) |
196.190 | To what places law applies. (8/28/1939) |
196.195 | Contents of places and utensils used must be protected. (8/28/1939) |
196.200 | (Repealed L. 1977 S.B. 262 § 1) (9/28/1977) |
196.205 | (Repealed L. 1977 S.B. 262 § 1) (9/28/1977) |
196.210 | Toilet rooms provided. (8/28/1939) |
196.215 | (Repealed L. 1977 S.B. 262 § 1) (9/28/1977) |
196.220 | Not used for sleeping purposes. (8/28/1939) |
196.225 | Employees with communicable disease prohibited, where. (8/28/1977) |
196.230 | Abatement of violations by director. (8/28/1939) |
196.235 | Penalty. (8/28/1939) |
196.240 | Authorization by director to close health menace. (8/28/1939) |
196.245 | Order to specify what — revocation — reopening. (8/28/1939) |
196.250 | Construction of the word close. (8/28/1939) |
196.255 | (Repealed L. 1977 S.B. 262 § 1) (9/28/1977) |
196.260 | (Repealed L. 1977 S.B. 262 § 1) (9/28/1977) |
196.265 | Penalty for violation. (8/28/1939) |
196.270 | (Repealed L. 1977 S.B. 262 § 1) (9/28/1977) |
196.271 | Food manufacturers or distributors may register. (8/28/1977) |
196.275 | (Repealed L. 1977 S.B. 262 § 1) (9/28/1977) |
196.276 | Food delivery platform — definitions — certification or registration — ... (1/1/2022) |
196.280 | (Repealed L. 1977 S.B. 262 § 1) (9/28/1977) |
196.285 | (Repealed L. 1977 S.B. 262 § 1) (9/28/1977) |
196.290 | (Repealed L. 1977 S.B. 262 § 1) (9/28/1977) |
196.291 | Food sold at religious events or charitable functions exempt from food ... (8/28/2005) |
196.295 | (Repealed L. 1977 S.B. 262 § 1) (9/28/1977) |
196.298 | Definitions — operation not deemed food service establishment, when — no ... (8/28/2022) |
196.300 | (Repealed L. 1977 S.B. 262 § 1) (9/28/1977) |
196.305 | (Repealed L. 1977 S.B. 262 § 1) (9/28/1977) |
196.310 | (Repealed L. 1955 p. 701 § 1) (8/29/1955) |
196.311 | Definitions. (8/28/2023) |
196.313 | License to sell eggs required — exceptions. (8/28/1955) |
196.315 | (Repealed L. 1955 p. 701 § 1) (8/29/1955) |
196.316 | License requirements — applications — kinds of licenses — fees — posting. (8/28/2023) |
196.318 | Licensees to keep records. (8/28/1955) |
196.320 | (Repealed L. 1955 p. 701 § 1) (8/29/1955) |
196.321 | Standards and grades to be fixed. (8/28/1955) |
196.323 | Kinds of eggs which may be sold. (8/28/1955) |
196.325 | (Repealed L. 1955 p. 701 § 1) (8/29/1955) |
196.326 | Egg containers to be marked or labeled. (8/28/1955) |
196.328 | Containers not required to be marked, when. (8/28/1955) |
196.330 | (Repealed L. 1955 p. 701 § 1) (8/29/1955) |
196.331 | Sign required on sale from bulk lots. (8/28/1955) |
196.333 | Markings in case of eggs from different species of fowl. (8/28/1955) |
196.335 | (Repealed L. 1955 p. 701 § 1) (8/29/1955) |
196.336 | Advertisements of price to give size and quality. (8/28/1955) |
196.338 | Dealer to furnish retailer with invoice showing size and quality. (8/28/1955) |
196.340 | (Repealed L. 1955 p. 701 § 1) (8/29/1955) |
196.341 | Processing plants kept clean — standards — inspection — rulemaking, procedure. (8/28/1995) |
196.343 | Inspection of business premises and records. (8/28/1955) |
196.345 | (Repealed L. 1955 p. 701 § 1) (8/29/1955) |
196.346 | Stop-sale orders, effect — appeals. (1/2/1979) |
196.348 | Court may order seizure of eggs, when — condemnation. (1/2/1979) |
196.350 | (Repealed L. 1955 p. 701 § 1) (8/29/1955) |
196.351 | License suspended or revoked, when, procedure — appeal. (8/28/1955) |
196.352 | Civil penalty authorized, when. (8/28/2019) |
196.354 | Duties of director of agriculture — rules and regulations. (8/28/1995) |
196.355 | (Repealed L. 1955 p. 701 § 1) (8/29/1955) |
196.357 | Violations may be enjoined. (8/28/1955) |
196.360 | (Repealed L. 1955 p. 701 § 1) (8/29/1955) |
196.361 | Violation a misdemeanor. (8/28/1955) |
196.365 | (Repealed L. 2003 H.B. 600 § A merged with S.B. 175 § A) (7/1/2003) |
196.367 | (Repealed L. 2003 H.B. 600 § A merged with S.B. 175 § A) (7/1/2003) |
196.370 | (Repealed L. 2003 H.B. 600 § A merged with S.B. 175 § A) (7/1/2003) |
196.375 | (Repealed L. 2003 H.B. 600 § A merged with S.B. 175 § A) (7/1/2003) |
196.380 | (Repealed L. 2003 H.B. 600 § A merged with S.B. 175 § A) (7/1/2003) |
196.385 | (Repealed L. 2003 H.B. 600 § A merged with S.B. 175 § A) (7/1/2003) |
196.390 | (Repealed L. 2003 H.B. 600 § A merged with S.B. 175 § A) (7/1/2003) |
196.395 | (Repealed L. 2003 H.B. 600 § A merged with S.B. 175 § A) (7/1/2003) |
196.400 | (Repealed L. 2003 H.B. 600 § A merged with S.B. 175 § A) (7/1/2003) |
196.405 | (Repealed L. 2003 H.B. 600 § A merged with S.B. 175 § A) (7/1/2003) |
196.410 | (Repealed L. 1974 S.B. 436 § 1) (8/13/1974) |
196.415 | (Repealed L. 2003 H.B. 600 § A merged with S.B. 175 § A) (7/1/2003) |
196.420 | (Repealed L. 2003 H.B. 600 § A merged with S.B. 175 § A) (7/1/2003) |
196.425 | (Repealed L. 2003 H.B. 600 § A merged with S.B. 175 § A) (7/1/2003) |
196.430 | (Repealed L. 2003 H.B. 600 § A merged with S.B. 175 § A) (7/1/2003) |
196.435 | (Repealed L. 2003 H.B. 600 § A merged with S.B. 175 § A) (7/1/2003) |
196.436 | (Repealed L. 2003 H.B. 600 § A merged with S.B. 175 § A) (7/1/2003) |
196.440 | (Repealed L. 2003 H.B. 600 § A merged with S.B. 175 § A) (7/1/2003) |
196.445 | (Repealed L. 2003 H.B. 600 § A merged with S.B. 175 § A) (7/1/2003) |
196.450 | Definitions. (8/28/1945) |
196.455 | Annual license required. (8/28/1949) |
196.460 | (Repealed L. 1969 S.B. 72 § 1) (10/13/1969) |
196.465 | Semiannual inspection of plants. (8/28/1945) |
196.470 | Form and expiration of license. (8/28/1945) |
196.475 | Gas masks, alarm bell, and illumination required. (8/28/1945) |
196.480 | Requirements before issuance of license. (8/28/1945) |
196.485 | Temperature requirements and record. (8/28/1945) |
196.490 | Food to be quick frozen before placed in locker. (8/28/1945) |
196.495 | Record of name and address of user. (8/28/1945) |
196.500 | Accurate and complete report of weight of food. (8/28/1945) |
196.505 | Designation of food not for human consumption. (8/28/1945) |
196.510 | Operator to have lien on property for rentals — furnish content insurance. (8/28/1945) |
196.515 | Revocation of license — enforcement. (8/28/1945) |
Southern dairy compact, 262.700 to 262.703 |
196.520 | Short title. (8/28/1981) |
196.525 | Definitions. (8/28/1981) |
196.527 | Purposes. (8/28/1981) |
196.527 | (Repealed L. 1981 H.B. 52 § 1) (9/28/1981) |
196.530 | Standards to be maintained. (8/28/1981) |
196.535 | (Repealed L. 1981 H.B. 52 § 1) (9/28/1981) |
196.540 | Administration by state milk board — rules, promulgation — exempt products. (8/28/1995) |
196.540 | (Repealed L. 1981 H.B. 52 § 1) (9/28/1981) |
196.542 | Fees for licenses. (8/28/1981) |
196.545 | Unlawful sale of dairy products. (8/28/1981) |
196.550 | Grading of products — right to protest accuracy, procedure. (8/28/1981) |
196.550 | (Repealed L. 1981 H.B. 52 § 1) (9/28/1981) |
196.555 | The state milk board's right of access. (8/28/1981) |
196.555 | (Repealed L. 1981 H.B. 52 § 1) (9/28/1981) |
196.560 | Records of purchases and sales. (8/28/1981) |
196.560 | (Repealed L. 1981 H.B. 52 § 1) (9/28/1981) |
196.565 | The state milk board may take samples. (8/28/1981) |
196.565 | (Repealed L. 1981 H.B. 52 § 1) (9/28/1981) |
196.570 | Condemnation of illegal dairy products. (8/28/1981) |
196.570 | (Repealed L. 1981 H.B. 52 § 1) (9/28/1981) |
196.575 | Unidentified products subject to seizure. (8/28/1981) |
196.575 | (Repealed L. 1981 H.B. 52 § 1) (9/28/1981) |
196.580 | Confiscated products released to owner, when. (8/28/1981) |
196.580 | (Repealed L. 1981 H.B. 52 § 1) (9/28/1981) |
196.585 | Inspection, interference prohibited. (8/28/1981) |
196.585 | (Repealed L. 1981 H.B. 52 § 1) (9/28/1981) |
196.590 | Suspension or revocation of licenses. (8/28/1981) |
196.590 | (Repealed L. 1981 H.B. 52 § 1) (9/28/1981) |
196.595 | Substandard products, sale or production prohibited. (8/28/1981) |
196.595 | (Repealed L. 1981 H.B. 52 § 1) (9/28/1981) |
196.600 | (Repealed L. 1981 H.B. 52 § 1) (9/28/1981) |
196.605 | (Repealed L. 1981 H.B. 52 § 1) (9/28/1981) |
196.610 | Penalty for violation. (8/28/1981) |
196.610 | (Repealed L. 1981 H.B. 52 § 1) (9/28/1981) |
196.612 | Contract with the United States Department of Agriculture to inspect plants ... (8/28/1985) |
196.614 | State contracted manufacturing dairy plant inspection and grading fee fund ... (8/28/1985) |
196.615 | (Repealed L. 1981 H.B. 52 § 1) (9/28/1981) |
196.620 | (Repealed L. 1981 H.B. 52 § 1) (9/28/1981) |
196.625 | (Repealed L. 1981 H.B. 52 § 1) (9/28/1981) |
196.630 | (Repealed L. 1981 H.B. 52 § 1) (9/28/1981) |
196.635 | (Repealed L. 1981 H.B. 52 § 1) (9/28/1981) |
196.640 | (Repealed L. 1981 H.B. 52 § 1) (9/28/1981) |
196.645 | (Repealed L. 1981 H.B. 52 § 1) (9/28/1981) |
196.650 | (Repealed L. 1981 H.B. 52 § 1) (9/28/1981) |
196.655 | (Repealed L. 1981 H.B. 52 § 1) (9/28/1981) |
196.660 | (Repealed L. 1981 H.B. 52 § 1) (9/28/1981) |
196.665 | (Repealed L. 1981 H.B. 52 § 1) (9/28/1981) |
196.670 | (Repealed L. 1981 H.B. 52 § 1) (9/28/1981) |
196.675 | (Repealed L. 1981 H.B. 52 § 1) (9/28/1981) |
196.680 | (Repealed L. 1981 H.B. 52 § 1) (9/28/1981) |
196.685 | (Repealed L. 1981 H.B. 52 § 1) (9/28/1981) |
196.690 | (Repealed L. 1981 H.B. 52 § 1) (9/28/1981) |
196.695 | Filled milk defined. (8/28/1939) |
196.700 | Emulsified cream defined. (8/28/1939) |
196.705 | Fat or oil other than milk fat prohibited. (8/28/1939) |
196.710 | Emulsified cream and filled milk prohibited. (8/28/1939) |
196.715 | Penalty for violation. (8/28/1945) |
196.720 | (Repealed L. 1965 p. 327 § 1) (10/13/1965) |
196.725 | (Repealed L. 2010 H.B. 1965 § A) (8/28/2010) |
196.730 | (Repealed L. 2010 H.B. 1965 § A) (8/28/2010) |
196.735 | Labeling of cheese. (8/28/1939) |
196.740 | Labeling for shipments of skimmed milk. (8/28/1939) |
196.745 | (Repealed L. 1977 S.B. 60 § 1) (1/1/1979) |
196.750 | (Repealed L. 2010 H.B. 1965 § A) (8/28/2010) |
196.755 | (Repealed L. 2010 H.B. 1965 § A) (8/28/2010) |
196.760 | (Repealed L. 2010 H.B. 1965 § A) (8/28/2010) |
196.765 | (Repealed L. 2010 H.B. 1965 § A) (8/28/2010) |
196.770 | (Repealed L. 2010 H.B. 1965 § A) (8/28/2010) |
196.775 | (Repealed L. 2010 H.B. 1965 § A) (8/28/2010) |
196.780 | (Repealed L. 2010 H.B. 1965 § A) (8/28/2010) |
196.785 | (Repealed L. 2010 H.B. 1965 § A) (8/28/2010) |
196.790 | (Repealed L. 2010 H.B. 1965 § A) (8/28/2010) |
196.795 | (Repealed L. 2010 H.B. 1965 § A) (8/28/2010) |
196.800 | (Repealed L. 2010 H.B. 1965 § A) (8/28/2010) |
196.805 | (Repealed L. 2010 H.B. 1965 § A) (8/28/2010) |
196.810 | (Repealed L. 2010 H.B. 1965 § A) (8/28/2010) |
196.815 | Receptacles defined. (8/28/1949) |
196.820 | Receptacles kept clean. (8/28/1939) |
196.825 | Return of shipping containers. (8/28/1939) |
196.830 | Receptacle cleaned and returned to distributor. (8/28/1939) |
196.835 | Penalty. (8/28/1949) |
196.840 | Examination and tuberculin test of cattle, when. (8/28/1939) |
196.845 | Violation a misdemeanor. (8/28/1939) |
196.850 | (Repealed L. 1955 p. 708) (8/29/1955) |
196.851 | Applicability — purpose of law. (8/28/1980) |
196.855 | (Repealed L. 1955 p. 708) (8/29/1955) |
196.856 | Definitions of products subject to law. (8/28/1980) |
196.860 | (Repealed L. 1955 p. 708) (8/29/1955) |
196.861 | (Repealed L. 1980 S.B. 707 § 1) (8/13/1980) |
196.865 | (Repealed L. 1955 p. 708) (8/29/1955) |
196.866 | (Repealed L. 2022 H.B. 2331 merged with S.B. 710) (8/28/2022) |
196.868 | (Repealed L. 2022 H.B. 2331 merged with S.B. 710) (8/28/2022) |
196.870 | (Repealed L. 1955 p. 708) (8/29/1955) |
196.871 | (Repealed L. 1980 S.B. 707 § 1) (8/13/1980) |
196.872 | Rules and regulations for minimum sanitation to be established, procedure. (8/28/1995) |
196.875 | (Repealed L. 1955 p. 708) (8/29/1955) |
196.876 | (Repealed L. 1980 S.B. 707 § 1) (8/13/1980) |
196.880 | (Repealed L. 1955 p. 708) (8/29/1955) |
196.881 | Samples for analysis to be furnished the department of health and senior ... (8/28/1980) |
196.885 | (Repealed L. 1955 p. 708) (8/29/1955) |
196.886 | Sale regulations — labeling. (8/28/1980) |
196.890 | (Repealed L. 1955 p. 708) (8/29/1955) |
196.891 | (Repealed L. 1980 S.B. 707 § 1) (8/13/1980) |
196.893 | (Repealed L. 1980 S.B. 707 § 1) (8/13/1980) |
196.895 | Violation of law a misdemeanor. (8/28/1955) |
196.900 | (Repealed L. 1980 S.B. 707 § 1) (8/13/1980) |
196.902 | (Repealed L. 1980 S.B. 707 § 1) (8/13/1980) |
196.904 | (Repealed L. 1980 S.B. 707 § 1) (8/13/1980) |
196.906 | (Repealed L. 1980 S.B. 707 § 1) (8/13/1980) |
196.908 | (Repealed L. 1980 S.B. 707 § 1) (8/13/1980) |
196.910 | (Repealed L. 1980 S.B. 707 § 1) (8/13/1980) |
196.912 | (Repealed L. 1980 S.B. 707 § 1) (8/13/1980) |
196.914 | (Repealed L. 1980 S.B. 707 § 1) (8/13/1980) |
196.916 | (Repealed L. 1980 S.B. 707 § 1) (8/13/1980) |
196.918 | (Repealed L. 1980 S.B. 707 § 1) (8/13/1980) |
196.930 | (Repealed L. 1972 H.B. 1280 § 1) (8/13/1972) |
196.931 | Definitions. (8/28/2006) |
196.932 | (Repealed L. 1972 H.B. 1280 § 1) (8/13/1972) |
196.933 | Certain products exempted. (8/28/1972) |
196.934 | (Repealed L. 1972 H.B. 1280 § 1) (8/13/1972) |
196.935 | State milk inspection required on all graded fluid milk or milk products — ... (8/28/1972) |
196.936 | (Repealed L. 1972 H.B. 1280 § 1) (8/13/1972) |
196.937 | Penalty — violation by employee is violation by employer. (8/28/1972) |
196.938 | (Repealed L. 1972 H.B. 1280 § 1) (8/13/1972) |
196.939 | Rules and regulations — inspection by political subdivisions prohibited, ... (8/28/1995) |
196.940 | (Repealed L. 1972 H.B. 1280 § 1) (8/13/1972) |
196.941 | State milk board, membership, qualifications, appointment. (8/28/1986) |
196.942 | (Repealed L. 1972 H.B. 1280 § 1) (8/13/1972) |
196.943 | Appointments, when made — authority to act, when — failure of senate to ... (8/28/1972) |
196.944 | (Repealed L. 1972 H.B. 1280 § 1) (8/13/1972) |
196.945 | Inspection fee, payable when — hearing and notice before fee established. (8/28/1972) |
196.946 | (Repealed L. 1972 H.B. 1280 § 1) (8/13/1972) |
196.947 | State milk inspection fee fund created — funds, how expended, not to revert ... (5/10/1994) |
196.948 | (Repealed L. 1972 H.B. 1280 § 1) (8/13/1972) |
196.949 | State inspection of milk or milk products not required, when. (8/28/2006) |
196.950 | (Repealed L. 1972 H.B. 1280 § 1) (8/13/1972) |
196.951 | State milk board official rating agency — survey made, when, how. (8/28/2006) |
196.952 | (Repealed L. 1972 H.B. 1280 § 1) (8/13/1972) |
196.953 | Injunctive relief authorized. (8/28/1972) |
196.954 | (Repealed L. 1972 H.B. 1280 § 1) (8/13/1972) |
196.955 | Valid grade A milk permit holder may continue to sell grade A milk. (8/28/1972) |
196.956 | (Repealed L. 1972 H.B. 1280 § 1) (8/13/1972) |
196.957 | Only one inspection required. (8/28/1972) |
196.958 | (Repealed L. 1972 H.B. 1280 § 1) (8/13/1972) |
196.959 | Appeal from order or regulation of board, how taken. (8/28/1972) |
196.960 | (Repealed L. 1972 H.B. 1280 § 1) (8/13/1972) |
196.962 | (Repealed L. 1972 H.B. 1280 § 1) (8/13/1972) |
196.970 | Citation of law. (8/28/2004) |
196.973 | Definitions. (8/28/2018) |
196.976 | Prescription drug repository program established, criteria. (8/28/2004) |
196.979 | Donation of prescription drugs to the program, procedure — distribution to ... (1/1/2017) |
196.981 | Immunity from civil or criminal liability, when. (8/28/2006) |
196.984 | Administrative rules, authority to promulgate. (8/28/2004) |
196.990 | Epinephrine auto-injectors, authorized entities may stock supply — ... (8/28/2020) |
196.1000 | Definitions. (7/1/1999) |
196.1003 | Requirements. (7/1/1999) |
196.1020 | Definitions. (7/7/2010) |
196.1023 | Certification, compliance with tobacco master settlement agreement required ... (7/7/2010) |
196.1026 | Nonresident or foreign nonparticipating manufacturers, requirements. (7/7/2010) |
196.1029 | Quarterly reports required, contents — disclosure to attorney general, when ... (7/7/2010) |
196.1032 | Remedies for violations — distribution of cigarettes prohibited, when — ... (7/7/2010) |
196.1035 | Judicial review of director's decision not to list — compliance agreement ... (8/28/2014) |
196.1050 | Opioid addiction treatment, any opioid-related settlement moneys to be used ... (8/28/2023) |
Joint committee for life sciences created, 21.805 |
196.1100 | Trust fund established, purpose — reversion to general revenue prohibited. (8/28/2003) |
196.1103 | Board established — appointment, terms, qualifications, expenses, ... (8/28/2014) |
196.1106 | Centers to be established — definition — areas in which centers to be ... (8/28/2003) |
196.1109 | Moneys appropriated from trust fund, purposes. (2/3/2012) |
196.1109 | Moneys appropriated from trust fund, purposes. (8/28/2003) |
196.1112 | Projects for centers to be determined by board, subject to peer review — ... (8/28/2003) |
196.1115 | Board's powers, duties and limitation on expenditures. (2/3/2012) |
196.1115 | Board's powers, duties and limitation on expenditures. (8/28/2003) |
196.1118 | Annual audit by state auditor or private accounting firm — audit available ... (8/28/2003) |
196.1121 | Reimbursement of costs allowed if four-part test met — institutions or ... (8/28/2003) |
196.1124 | Board members not to be employed by public or private entity receiving ... (8/28/2003) |
196.1127 | Appropriation to board subject to certain requirements. (8/28/2003) |
196.1129 | (Transferred 2018; now 191.756) (8/28/2018) |
196.1130 | Rules to become effective, when. (8/28/2003) |
- Cross References | |
All license, permit and certificate applications shall contain the Social Security number of the applicant, 324.024 | |
Baby food, drugs, cosmetics, and certain devices, sales by itinerant vendors and peddlers prohibited, penalty, 150.465 | |
Beer and liquors to be manufactured of pure components, 311.490 | |
Dairies, sale of milk, regulation in cities and towns, 71.720 | |
Director of department of health and senior services, powers and duties, 192.080 | |
Honey, separate facilities not required for manufacture of, when, 261.241 | |
Pesticide registration act, 281.210 to 281.310 | |
Poisons, regulation of sale, prescriptions to be preserved, 338.090, 338.100 | |
Polystyrene foam products, packaging, wrapping or containers for food or beverages prohibited, penalty, 643.400 | |
St. Charles County may require health inspections and licenses for eating establishments in the county, 205.769 | |
Tobacco settlement financing authority act, 8.500 to 8.565 | |
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