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 Chapter 610 Governmental Bodies and Records 
610.010   Definitions. (8/28/2004)
610.011   Liberal construction of law to be public policy. (8/28/2004)
610.015   Votes, how taken. (10/11/2013)
610.020   Notice of meetings, when required — recording of meetings to be allowed, guidelines, penalty — accessibility of meetings — minutes of meetings to be kept, content — voting records to be included. (8/28/2004)
610.021   Closed meetings and closed records authorized when, exceptions. (8/28/2024)
610.022   Closed meetings, procedure and limitation — public records presumed open unless exempt — objections to closing meetings or records, procedure. (8/28/2004)
610.023   Records of governmental bodies to be in care of custodian, duties — records may be copied but not removed, exception, procedure — denial of access, procedure. (8/28/2004)
610.024   Public record containing exempt and nonexempt materials, nonexempt to be made available — deleted exempt materials to be explained, exception. (8/28/1993)
610.025   Electronic transmission of messages relating to public business, requirements. (8/28/2004)
610.026   Fees for copying public records, limitations — fee money remitted to whom — tax, license or fee as used in Missouri Constitution Article X, Section 22, not to include copying fees. (8/28/2004)
610.027   Violations — remedies, procedure, penalty, purposeful violations — validity of actions by governing bodies in violation — governmental bodies may seek interpretation of law, attorney general to provide. (8/28/2004)
610.028   Legal defense of members of governmental bodies, when — written policy on release of information required — persons reporting violations exempt from liability and discipline. (8/28/2004)
610.029   Governmental agencies to provide information by electronic services, contracts for public records databases, requirements, electronic services defined — division of data processing may be consulted. (8/28/2014)
610.030   Injunctive relief authorized. (8/28/1998)
610.032   Executive agency disclosure of closed records, purpose, procedure — executive agency defined. (5/10/1994)
610.035   State entity not to disclose Social Security number, exceptions. (8/28/1999)

Criminal records central repository, highway patrol regulation, records closed, when, 43.500 to 43.530

610.100   Arrest and incident records — definitions — available to public — closed records, when — action for disclosure of investigative report authorized, costs — application to open incident and arrest reports, violations, civil penalty — identity of victim of sexual offense — confidentiality of recording. (8/28/2020)
610.103   Criminal background check completed without fee, when. (8/28/1998)
610.105   Effect of nolle pros — dismissal — sentence suspended on record — not guilty due to mental disease or defect, effect — official records available to victim in certain cases. (8/28/2006)
610.106   Suspended sentence prior to September 28, 1981, procedure to close records. (8/28/1981)
610.110   Failure to recite closed record excused — exceptions. (8/28/1981)
610.115   Penalty. (8/28/1981)
610.120   Records to be confidential — accessible to whom, purposes. (8/28/2021)
610.122   Arrest record expunged, requirements. (8/28/2021)
610.123   Procedure to expunge, supreme court to promulgate rules — similar to small claims. (8/28/2005)
610.124   Destruction of arrest records — removal from all electronic files — FBI requested to expunge — protest to expungement, procedure. (8/28/1993)
610.125   Failure to comply with expungement order, penalty — knowingly using expunged record for gain, penalty. (1/1/2017)
610.126   Expungement does not deem arrest invalid — department of revenue may retain records necessary for administrative actions on driver's license — power to close or expunge record, limitation. (8/28/1995)
610.130   Alcohol-related driving offenses, expunged from records, when — procedures, effect — limitations. (1/1/2017)
610.131   Expungement for persons less than eighteen years of age at time of offense. (8/28/2019)
610.140   Expungement of certain criminal records — definitions — petition, contents, procedure — effect of expungement on employer inquiry — lifetime limits. (1/1/2025)
610.140   Expungement of certain criminal records, petition, contents, procedure — effect of expungement on employer inquiry — lifetime limits. (8/28/2021)
610.145   Stolen or mistaken identity, expungement of records, procedure. (8/28/2017)
610.150   "911" telephone reports inaccessible, exceptions. (8/28/2013)
610.175   Flight log records after flight, open public records for elected members of executive and legislative branches. (8/28/2013)
610.200   Law enforcement agency log or record of suspected crimes, accidents or complaints, available for inspection and copying. (8/28/2004)
610.205   Crime scene photographs and video recordings closed records, when — disclosure to next-of-kin or by court order — inapplicability. (8/28/2016)
610.210   Health care coordination, certain records may be released. (8/28/2018)
610.225   Tax credit records and documents deemed closed records, when — request for opening records and documents, requirements, fee authorized. (8/28/2004)
 - Cross References
Civil action for damages for conduct and speech at public hearings and meetings, 537.528
Criminal records repository, access to by private entities responsible for probation and drug treatment court services, 43.504
Custody and preservation of public and business records, 109.005 to 109.080
Employee disqualification lists, not public record, when, 192.2500
Fraudulent documents, filing of, system to log required, 570.095
Main Street program, established, duties of department, 251.470 to 251.485
Records on financial investments and tax credits submitted to department of economic development to be deemed closed, when, 620.014
Regulation of conflicts of interest, financial disclosure, and lobbying, 105.450 to 105.498
Sexually violent predators, civil commitment, certain records are closed, exception, 632.513
Sexually violent predators, civil commitment, release of information, to whom, when, 632.510
State and local records law, 109.200 to 109.310
Voter registration lists made available pursuant to chapter 610 and fees therefrom deposited in secretary of state's technology trust fund account, 115.157

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