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 Chapter 643 Air Conservation 
643.010   Short title. (8/28/1965)
643.020   Definitions. (8/28/2011)
643.030   Intent of law — commission to control air pollution. (8/28/1965)
643.040   Air conservation commission created — members, terms, expenses, meetings. (8/28/2011)
643.050   Powers and duties of commission — rules, procedure. (1/2/2023)
643.055   Commission may adopt rules for compliance with federal law — suspension, reinstatement — exemption, limitations — regulation of residential wood burning heaters or appliances prohibited without legislative authorization. (8/28/2014)
643.060   Powers and duties of director. (8/28/2011)
643.070   Commission to adopt rules, notice — public hearing. (8/28/1993)
643.073   Procedure for submission of applications, fee. (8/28/1992)
643.075   Construction without permit prohibited — denial, appeal, procedure — fee, exemption — natural resources protection fund, air pollution permit fee subaccount — city or county permit granted, effect. (8/28/2015)
643.076   Sections not to apply to locomotives, exception. (8/28/1992)
643.077   Operating and construction permits, transferability. (8/28/1992)
643.078   Operation without permit prohibited — single permit for multiple sources — information to be submitted, time period — validation of permit, terms and conditions — time period — director shall enforce federal standards — appeal — city or county permit granted, effect. (8/28/2015)
643.079   Fees, amount — deposit of moneys, where, subaccount to be maintained — civil action for failure to remit fees, effect upon permit — agencies, determination of fees — fee structure revision. (8/28/2023)
643.080   Investigations, when made — violation, how eliminated — hearing, procedure — final order, notice of. (8/28/2011)
643.085   Administrative penalties, assessment, restriction — conference, conciliation and persuasion — rules — payment — appeal — collection, disposition. (8/28/1993)
643.090   Generalized condition, emergency risk, what action taken — nongeneralized condition, cease and desist order — injunctive relief, priority in court. (8/28/1992)
643.100   Testimony at hearings, how recorded — subpoenas, how issued — rules hearings, how held — other hearings, how held — final orders, how approved. (8/28/1992)
643.110   Commission may grant, modify and revoke variances — director to make recommendation, when. (8/28/1992)
643.120   Commission shall act upon request — decision rendered, when — action to compel completion of proceedings. (8/28/1992)
643.130   Judicial review. (8/28/2012)
643.140   Political subdivisions not preempted in field of air pollution — certificate of authority to issue permits and variances, grounds for revocation. (8/28/1992)
643.151   Violations, penalties, notice — civil action — offer of settlement, method — disclosure of confidential information, penalty. (8/28/1993)
643.161   State or political subdivisions contracting with persons not having a permit or in contempt of court prohibited. (8/28/1992)
643.170   Existing penalties not to be impaired — no actionable rights created, exceptions. (8/28/1992)
643.173   Small business technical assistance program established, duties — advisory committee created, members, appointment, terms, compensation, duties. (8/28/1992)
643.175   Small business ombudsman, duties — appointment. (8/28/1992)
643.190   Department to be air pollution agency for purposes of federal air pollution control acts. (8/28/1992)
643.191   Violation of certain requirements unlawful, penalty — false statements unlawful, penalty. (8/28/2011)
643.192   Evaluation of costs of compliance — department to tabulate information — report filed, with whom, when. (8/28/1994)
643.210   Rules, promulgation. (8/28/1995)
643.220   Missouri emissions banking and trading program established by commission — promulgation of rules. (8/28/2002)
643.225   Rules for asbestos abatement projects, standards and examinations — certification requirements — application — examination, content — certificate expires, when — fees — renewal of certificate requirements — refresher course — failure to pass examination, may repeat exam, when — fee for renewal — inapplicability, exemption, when, fee. (8/28/2012)
643.228   Training courses to be certified — evaluation by department of health and senior services, when — violation, effect — accreditation fee. (8/28/2018)
643.230   Denial, suspension or revocation by director, certifications, accreditation of training program or exemption status — grounds — procedure — appeal to commission, powers of commission. (6/13/1989)
643.232   Asbestos abatement contractor required to register annually, qualifications — project requirements — registration fee. (8/28/2011)
643.235   Registration, denial, suspension or revocation by directors, grounds — appeal to commission, procedure — commission's powers — revocation of registration, person may reapply, when. (6/13/1989)
643.237   Projects requiring special application, form, contents — procedure — fee, exemptions from fee — revision of project plans, notification of department required. (8/28/2011)
643.240   Friable material subject to regulation — air sample analysis, how conducted. (8/28/2011)
643.242   Inspection of projects, when — inspection fee — postponement of project, notice to department, failure to notify, effect — exemption from fee for local air pollution control agency, when. (8/28/2011)
643.245   Natural resources protection fund — subaccounts created — purpose — lapse into general revenue prohibited — fund deposited where, by state treasurer, interest credited to fund. (1/2/2023)
643.250   Entry by department on public or private property for regulation purposes — refusal to allow grounds for revocation or injunctions, violations of regulations, penalties. (8/28/2011)
643.251   Certification authorized for persons completing asbestos and earthquake training. (8/28/1990)
643.255   Cities, counties, state agencies, requirements. (6/13/1989)
643.263   Testing for asbestos, schools — report, contents of — reports of departments. (6/13/1989)
643.265   Department of health and senior services, department of natural resources, interagency agreement. (8/28/1986)

Nonattainment areas, carbon emissions, implementation impact report, 640.090

643.300   Citation of law — mandate of Congress. (9/1/2007)
643.303   Decentralized emissions program for inspections, when, program for inspecting certain motor vehicles, requirements — application for authorization to conduct emission inspections — repairs — certification to begin, when, report — remote sensing devices and gas cap tests authorized — program requirements, interagency agreements — rulemaking authority — promotion of program. (8/28/2006)
643.305   Commission to adopt state implementation plan, nonattainment areas, certain cities and counties — emission reductions established — department to establish air quality baseline — cost of reduction measures, determination — emissions inspection program, report, public information program. (9/1/2007)
643.310   Commission to establish decentralized motor vehicle emissions inspection program, certain cities and counties, exceptions — selection of person to operate inspection facility or program, procedure, contract requirement — selection of contractors, minorities, motor vehicle dealers — storage of conventional gasoline in nonattainment area. (9/1/2007)
643.312   Reformulated gasoline program. (1/1/1999)
643.315   Motor vehicles subject to program, when, evidence of inspection and approval — exceptions — reciprocity with other states — dealer inspection, return of motor vehicle for failing inspection, options, violation. (8/28/2011)
643.320   Criteria for operation of inspection stations, established — application, form, fee — commission to inspect — suspension and revocation of license, procedure — required reports — alternative administrative enforcement mechanisms — sign, requirements, furnished by department, cost. (8/28/2012)
643.325   Certificate and sticker, commission to establish, display of, requirements. (8/28/1994)
643.330   Vehicle failure on inspection, reinspection, charge — inspector to provide written estimate, cost of repairs — department to test facilities, violations. (9/1/2007)
643.335   Waiver amount established by commission, cost, limits — verification of repairs, procedure — waiver form, affidavit — amount, how calculated — waiver amount for repairs by owner, form — waiver amount for owners receiving public assistance. (9/1/2007)
643.337   Oversight of vehicle emissions inspection program — report — rulemaking authority. (8/28/2006)
643.340   Operation of vehicle without registration, when allowed — vehicle emission inspection, lawful operation beyond registration expiration, when. (8/28/2008)
643.345   Transfer of registration not allowed without emissions certificate, when — exceptions. (8/28/1994)
643.350   Inspection fee — contractor to remit portion, deposit in Missouri air emission reduction fund, use of, balance not to lapse — moneys may be deposited into general revenue fund, when — supplementation of funds. (9/1/2007)
643.353   Annual report on effectiveness of emissions inspection program, requirements. (8/28/2006)
643.355   Illegal acts, penalties. (8/28/1999)
643.400   Polystyrene foam products made from ozone depleting chemical, sale or distribution, prohibited, penalty — effective when. (1/1/1992)
643.600   Compact entered into. (8/28/1967)
643.610   Compact to be effective, when — commissioners, qualifications, terms, vacancies, how filled. (8/28/1967)
643.620   Commissioners, per diem allowed. (8/28/1967)

Nonattainment areas, implementation impact report, section 643.640 not limited or superceded, 640.090

643.640   Emission standards to be developed for certain carbon dioxide sources — unit-by-unit analysis required, procedure — severability clause. (8/28/2014)
643.650   Sulfur dioxide, ambient air quality monitoring or modeling network. (8/28/2015)
 - Cross References
Fuel conservation and alternative fuels use program for state motor vehicle fleets, 414.400 to 414.417
Hearings on environmental matters, department of natural resources has burden of proof, exception, 640.012
Indoor clean air act regulating smoking in public places, 191.765 to 191.777
Natural resources protection fund, purpose, funding by air pollution permits and fees, 640.220

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