☰ Revisor of Missouri


Chapter 160

< > Effective - 01 Jul 2006, 6 histories, see footnote   (history) bottom

  *160.415.  Distribution of state school aid for charter schools — powers and duties of governing body of charter schools. — 1. For the purposes of calculation and distribution of state school aid under section 163.031, pupils enrolled in a charter school shall be included in the pupil enrollment of the school district within which each pupil resides. Each charter school shall report the names, addresses, and eligibility for free and reduced lunch, special education, or limited English proficiency status, as well as eligibility for categorical aid, of pupils resident in a school district who are enrolled in the charter school to the school district in which those pupils reside. The charter school shall report the average daily attendance data, free and reduced lunch count, special education pupil count, and limited English proficiency pupil count to the state department of elementary and secondary education. Each charter school shall promptly notify the state department of elementary and secondary education and the pupil's school district when a student discontinues enrollment at a charter school.

  2. Except as provided in subsections 3 and 4 of this section, the aid payments for charter schools shall be as described in this subsection.

  (1) A school district having one or more resident pupils attending a charter school shall pay to the charter school an annual amount equal to the product of the charter school's weighted average daily attendance and the state adequacy target, multiplied by the dollar value modifier for the district, plus local tax revenues per weighted average daily attendance from the incidental and teachers' funds in excess of the performance levy as defined in section 163.011 plus all other state aid attributable to such pupils.

  (2) The district of residence of a pupil attending a charter school shall also pay to the charter school any other federal or state aid that the district receives on account of such child.

  (3) If the department overpays or underpays the amount due to the charter school, such overpayment or underpayment shall be repaid by the public charter school or credited to the public charter school in twelve equal payments in the next fiscal year.

  (4) The amounts provided pursuant to this subsection shall be prorated for partial year enrollment for a pupil.

  (5) A school district shall pay the amounts due pursuant to this subsection as the disbursal agent and no later than twenty days following the receipt of any such funds. The department of elementary and secondary education shall pay the amounts due when it acts as the disbursal agent within five days of the required due date.

  3. A workplace charter school shall receive payment for each eligible pupil as provided under subsection 2 of this section, except that if the student is not a resident of the district and is participating in a voluntary interdistrict transfer program, the payment for such pupils shall be the same as provided under section 162.1060.

  4. A charter school that has declared itself as a local educational agency shall receive from the department of elementary and secondary education an annual amount equal to the product of the charter school's weighted average daily attendance and the state adequacy target, multiplied by the dollar value modifier for the district, plus local tax revenues per weighted average daily attendance from the incidental and teachers funds in excess of the performance levy as defined in section 163.011 plus all other state aid attributable to such pupils. If a charter school declares itself as a local education agency, the department of elementary and secondary education shall, upon notice of the declaration, reduce the payment made to the school district by the amount specified in this subsection and pay directly to the charter school the annual amount reduced from the school district's payment.

  5. If a school district fails to make timely payments of any amount for which it is the disbursal agent, the state department of elementary and secondary education shall authorize payment to the charter school of the amount due pursuant to subsection 2 of this section and shall deduct the same amount from the next state school aid apportionment to the owing school district. If a charter school is paid more or less than the amounts due pursuant to this section, the amount of overpayment or underpayment shall be adjusted equally in the next twelve payments by the school district or the department of elementary and secondary education, as appropriate. Any dispute between the school district and a charter school as to the amount owing to the charter school shall be resolved by the department of elementary and secondary education, and the department's decision shall be the final administrative action for the purposes of review pursuant to chapter 536. During the period of dispute, the department of elementary and secondary education shall make every administrative and statutory effort to allow the continued education of children in their current public charter school setting.

  6. The charter school and a local school board may agree by contract for services to be provided by the school district to the charter school. The charter school may contract with any other entity for services. Such services may include but are not limited to food service, custodial service, maintenance, management assistance, curriculum assistance, media services and libraries and shall be subject to negotiation between the charter school and the local school board or other entity. Documented actual costs of such services shall be paid for by the charter school.

  7. A charter school may enter into contracts with community partnerships and state agencies acting in collaboration with such partnerships that provide services to children and their families linked to the school.

  8. A charter school shall be eligible for transportation state aid pursuant to section 163.161 and shall be free to contract with the local district, or any other entity, for the provision of transportation to the students of the charter school.

  9. (1) The proportionate share of state and federal resources generated by students with disabilities or staff serving them shall be paid in full to charter schools enrolling those students by their school district where such enrollment is through a contract for services described in this section. The proportionate share of money generated under other federal or state categorical aid programs shall be directed to charter schools serving such students eligible for that aid.

  (2) A charter school district shall provide the special services provided pursuant to section 162.705 and may provide the special services pursuant to a contract with a school district or any provider of such services.

  10. A charter school may not charge tuition, nor may it impose fees that a school district is prohibited from imposing.

  11. A charter school is authorized to incur debt in anticipation of receipt of funds. A charter school may also borrow to finance facilities and other capital items. A school district may incur bonded indebtedness or take other measures to provide for physical facilities and other capital items for charter schools that it sponsors or contracts with. Upon the dissolution of a charter school, any liabilities of the corporation will be satisfied through the procedures of chapter 355.

  12. Charter schools shall not have the power to acquire property by eminent domain.

  13. The governing body of a charter school is authorized to accept grants, gifts or donations of any kind and to expend or use such grants, gifts or donations. A grant, gift or donation may not be accepted by the governing body if it is subject to any condition contrary to law applicable to the charter school or other public schools, or contrary to the terms of the charter.


(L. 1998 S.B. 781 § 7, A.L. 1999 H.B. 889, A.L. 2005 S.B. 287)

*Effective 7-1-06

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