☰ Revisor of Missouri


Chapter 160

< > Effective - 28 Aug 2009    bottom

  160.810.  Powers and duties. — The corporation, after being certified by the governor as provided by section 160.800, may:

  (1)  Study the potential for a state-coordinated economic and educational policy that addresses all levels of education;

  (2)  Determine where obstacles make state support of programs that cross institutional or jurisdictional boundaries difficult and suggest remedies;

  (3)  Create programs that:

  (a)  Intervene at known critical transition points, such as middle school to high school and the freshman year of college, to help ensure student success at the next level;

  (b)  Foster higher education faculty spending time in elementary and secondary classrooms and private workplaces, and elementary and secondary faculty spending time in general education-level higher education courses and private workplaces, with particular emphasis on secondary school faculty working with general education higher education faculty;

  (c)  Allow education stakeholders to collaborate with members of business and industry to foster policy alignment, professional interaction, and information systems across sectors;

  (d)  Regularly provide feedback to schools, colleges, and employers concerning the number of students requiring postsecondary remediation, whether in educational institutions or the workplace;

  (4)  Explore ways to better align academic content, particularly between secondary school and first-year courses at public colleges and universities, which may include alignment between:

  (a)  Elementary and secondary assessments and public college and university admission and placement standards; and

  (b)  Articulation agreements for programs across sectors and educational levels.


(L. 2009 S.B. 291)

---- end of effective  28 Aug 2009 ----

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