☰ Revisor of Missouri


Chapter 161

< > Effective - 28 Aug 2004    bottom

  161.101.  Scoring rubric on performance not to be used, when — department to develop rubric, where. — 1.  The Missouri school improvement program or successor accreditation program shall not use a scoring rubric on performance that requires a score for parents as teachers; except that, if on review deficiencies are noted, such deficiencies shall be listed as an area of concern.

  2.  The scoring rubric for advanced placement courses in the Missouri school improvement program or successor accreditation program shall recognize the difficulty of providing such courses in districts that have a sparse population.  The department of elementary and secondary education shall develop such a rubric, taking into account population density in districts and localized teacher shortages in academic specializations, and differentially rewarding districts for accomplishing delivery of such courses through electronic media under such circumstances.


(L. 2004 S.B. 968 and S.B. 969 § 161.089)

---- end of effective  28 Aug 2004 ----

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