192.2020. Area agencies for aging duties — advisory council, duties — agency records audited, when. — 1. On and after August 13, 1984, an area agency on aging shall operate with local administrative responsibility for Title III of the Older Americans Act, and other funds allocated to it by the department. The area agency board shall be responsible for all actions of an area agency on aging in its jurisdiction, including, but not limited to, the accountability for funds and compliance with federal and state laws and rules. Such responsibility shall include all geographic areas in which the area agency on aging is designated to operate. The respective area agency board shall appoint a director of the area agency on aging in its jurisdiction. Beginning January 1, 1995, the director of the area agency on aging shall submit an annual performance report to the department director, the speaker of the house of representatives, the president pro tempore of the senate and the governor. Such performance report shall give a detailed accounting of all funds which were available to and expended by the area agency on aging from state, federal and private sources.
2. Each area agency on aging shall have an area agency on aging advisory council, which shall:
(1) Recommend basic policy guidelines for the administration of the activities of the area agencies on aging on behalf of elderly persons and advise the area agency on aging on questions of policy;
(2) Advise the area agency on aging with respect to the development of the area plan and budget, and review and comment on the completed area plan and budget before its transmittal to the division;
(3) Review and evaluate the effectiveness of the area agency on aging in meeting the needs of elderly persons in the planning and service area;
(4) Meet at least quarterly, with all meetings being subject to sections 610.010 to 610.030.
3. Each area agency board shall:
(1) Conduct local planning functions for Title III and Title XX, and such other funds as may be available;
(2) Develop a local plan for service delivery, subject to review and approval by the division, that complies with federal and state requirements and in accord with locally determined objectives consistent with the state policy on aging;
(3) Assess the needs of elderly persons within the planning and service delivery area for service for social and health services, and determine what resources are currently available to meet those needs;
(4) Assume the responsibility of determining services required to meet the needs of elderly persons, assure that such services are provided within the resources available, and determine when such services are no longer needed;
(5) Endeavor to coordinate and expand existing resources in order to develop within its planning and service area a comprehensive and coordinated system for the delivery of social and health services to elderly persons;
(6) Serve as an advocate within government and within the community at large for the interests of elderly persons within its planning and service area;
(7) Make grants to or enter into contracts with any public or private agency for the provision of social or health services not otherwise sufficiently available to elderly persons within the planning and service area;
(8) Monitor and evaluate the activities of its service providers to ensure that the services being provided comply with the terms of the grant or contract. Where a provider is found to be in breach of the terms of its grant or contract, the area agency shall enforce the terms of the grant or contract;
(9) Conduct research, evaluation, demonstration or training activities appropriate to the achievement of the goal of improving the quality of life for elderly persons within its planning and service area;
(10) Comply with division requirements that have been developed in consultation with the area agencies for client and fiscal information, and provide to the division information necessary for federal and state reporting, program evaluation, program management, fiscal control and research needs.
4. Beginning January 1, 1995, the records of each area agency on aging shall be audited at least every other year. All audits required by the Older Americans Act of 1965, as amended, shall satisfy this requirement.
(L. 1984 H.B. 1131 § 3, A.L. 1994 H.B. 1335 & 1381, A.L. 2014 H.B. 1299 Revision § 192.1008)
Transferred 2014; formerly 660.057
---- end of effective 28 Aug 2014 ----
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