204.250. Common sewer districts, where formed — establishment of common sewer subdistrict — submission of question of election by order of court — contents of order — approval, required percentage — notice of election, contents — ballot, form — circuit court may create subdistrict upon petition — petition, contents — boundaries of subdistrict, description by metes and bounds. — 1. If the construction and maintenance of a common system of trunk sewers and sewage treatment plants is necessary to secure proper sanitary conditions for the preservation of public health in a natural drainage area the major portion of which lies within a county of the first class containing all or part of a city having a population of four hundred fifty thousand or more, or in a county of the first class not having a charter form of government, or in a county of the second, third or fourth class, and which natural drainage area contains all or portions of several drainage basins, several municipalities or sewer districts, and if a common sewer district encompassing the entire area would be eligible for federal aid and assistance under the provisions of Title 33, Section 1151 et seq. of the United States Code Annotated, as now or as may hereafter be amended, the area may be established and incorporated as a common sewer district under sections 204.250 to 204.470 in the following manner: The county commission, or in charter counties, the county executive with the concurrence by resolution of the county legislature, of the county within which the major portion of the area lies may petition the circuit court having jurisdiction over the major portion for the appointment of commissioners as herein provided, and to take further action as may be necessary for the submission to the legal voters residing in the area of the question whether the area shall be organized and incorporated as a common sewer district under sections 204.250 to 204.470.
2. The petition shall set forth a description in general terms of the territory to be embraced in, suggest a name for the proposed common sewer district and state the aim and purposes for which the district is created.
3. Notwithstanding any provisions of law to the contrary, if a sanitary sewage disposal or treatment system is necessary for any number of buildings used solely or primarily for residential or commercial purposes which are situated in such geographical proximity and manner to one another that the creation of a sewage disposal or treatment system is feasible, and such buildings are situated in or are in geographical proximity to an existing common sewer district formed pursuant to this chapter, and if sanitary sewage disposal or treatment services are not otherwise available for service to such buildings, regardless of whether the buildings lie in a natural drainage area or natural drainage basin, such area may be established as a common sewer subdistrict of an existing common sewer district formed pursuant to the provisions of this chapter by complying with the procedures set forth in subsections 4 to 7 of this section.
4. The circuit court of the circuit proposing to create a sewer subdistrict pursuant to subsection 3 of this section may, by order of the court, for good cause shown, submit the question of creating such subdistrict to all owners of record of all real property within such proposed subdistrict at a general or special election called for that purpose. Such order shall set forth the project name for the proposed subdistrict, the general nature of the proposed subdistrict, the estimated cost of the sewer improvements for such subdistrict, the boundaries of the proposed subdistrict to be assessed for sewer improvements, and the proposed method or methods of assessment. The court may thereafter create a sewer subdistrict of an existing common sewer district formed pursuant to this chapter when the question of creating such subdistrict has been approved by the vote of the percentage of electors within such subdistrict voting thereon that is equal to the percentage of voter approval required for the issuance of general obligation bonds of the city or county wherein such subdistrict is located under Article VI, Section 26 of the Constitution of this State. The notice of election containing the question of creating a sewer subdistrict shall contain the project name for the proposed subdistrict, the general nature of the proposed subdistrict, the estimated cost of the sewer improvements for such subdistrict, the boundaries of the proposed subdistrict to be assessed for sewer improvements, the proposed method or methods of assessment, and a statement that the final cost of such sewer improvements assessed against property within the subdistrict and the amount of general obligation bonds issued therefor shall not exceed the estimated cost of such sewer improvements, as stated in such notice, by more than twenty-five percent. The ballot upon which the question of creating a sewer subdistrict is submitted to the qualified voters residing within the proposed subdistrict shall contain a question in substantially the following form:
Shall the ______ Circuit Court be authorized to create a sewer subdistrict proposed for the ______ (common sewer district name) and authorize the common sewer district to incur indebtedness and issue general obligation bonds to pay for all or part of the cost of the creation and maintenance of such subdistrict, the cost of all indebtedness so incurred to be assessed by the ______ (common sewer district name) on the property within the subdistrict?
5. As an alternative to the procedure described in subsection 4 of this section, the circuit court of the circuit may create such a sewer subdistrict when a proper petition has been signed by the owners of record of at least two-thirds by area of all real property located within such proposed subdistrict. The petition, in order to become effective, shall be filed with the circuit court. A proper petition for the creation of a sewer subdistrict shall set forth the proposed subdistrict name, the general nature of the proposed subdistrict, the estimated cost of the sewer improvements for such subdistrict, the boundaries of the proposed subdistrict to be assessed for sewer improvements, the proposed method or methods of assessment, a notice that the names of the signers may not be withdrawn later than seven days after the petition is filed with the court, and a notice that the final cost of such assessments against property within the subdistrict and the amount of general obligation bonds issued therefor shall not exceed the estimated cost of sewer improvements, as stated in such petition, by more than twenty-five percent.
6. Upon receiving the requisite voter approval at an election or upon the filing of a proper petition with the court, the court may by order determine the advisability of the subdistrict and may order that the subdistrict be established and that preliminary plans and specifications for the subdistrict be made. Such order shall state and make findings as to the subdistrict name, the nature of the subdistrict, the estimated cost of the sewer improvements for such subdistrict, the boundaries of the subdistrict to be assessed for sewer improvements, the proposed method or methods of assessment, and shall also state that the final cost of such assessments against the property within the subdistrict and the amount of general obligation bonds issued therefor shall not, without a new election or petition, exceed the estimated cost of such sewer improvements by more than twenty-five percent.
7. The boundaries of the proposed subdistrict shall be described by metes and bounds, streets or other sufficiently specific description. The area of the subdistrict finally determined to be assessed may be less than, but shall not exceed, the total area comprising such district.
(L. 1967 p. 310 § 6, A.L. 1972 H.B. 1239 & 1300, A.L. 1973 H.B. 625, A.L. 1992 H.B. 1803)
Certain counties may assign operation of sewer district to common sewer district, which lies wholly or partially within county, procedure (Jackson, Cass, St. Louis and all first class noncharter counties), 249.451
---- end of effective 28 Aug 1992 ----
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