290.612. Written notice by employer, contents — displays. — 1. Employers shall give employees a written notice about earned paid sick time within fourteen calendar days of the commencement of employment or on April 15, 2025, whichever is later, which must include the following information: (1) beginning May 1, 2025, employees accrue and are entitled to earned paid sick time at the rate one hour of earned paid sick time for every thirty* hours of work, and may use earned paid sick time, subject to the limits and terms under sections 290.600 through 290.642 of Missouri law, (2) it is prohibited for an employer to take retaliatory personnel action against employees who request or use earned paid sick time as allowed by law, (3) each employee has the right to bring a civil action if earned paid sick time as required by sections 290.600 through 290.642 is denied by the employer or the employee is subjected to retaliatory personnel action by the employer for exercising the employee's rights under sections 290.600 through 290.642; and, (4) the contact information for the department. Notice shall be provided by the employer to the employee on a single piece of paper, at least 8.5 x 11, in no less than 14-point font.
2. Beginning April 15, 2025, employers shall display a poster that contains the information required in subsection 1** of this section in a conspicuous and accessible place in each establishment where such employees are employed, provided that such poster has been made available by the department.
3. The department may create and make available to employers, model notices and posters that contain the information required under subsection 1** of this section for employers' use in complying with subsections 1 and 2*** of this section. Nothing in this subsection shall be interpreted or applied, either expressly or through practical necessity, to require the department to create or make available notices or posters if it requires the appropriation of funds to cover the costs of such acts.
(L. 2024 Adopted by Initiative, Proposition A, November 5, 2024)
*Number "30" appears in Proposition A.
**Words "subsection (1)" appear in Proposition A.
***Words "subsections (1) and (2)" appear in Proposition A.
---- end of effective 05 Nov 2024 ----
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