340.210. Seal — powers of board — rulemaking procedure. — 1. The board shall adopt and have a common seal bearing the name "Missouri Veterinary Medical Board".
2. The powers of the board are granted to enable the board to effectively supervise the practice of veterinary medicine and to carry out the intent and provisions of sections 340.200 to 340.330, and, therefore, are to be construed liberally in order to accomplish such objectives.
3. Including, but not limited to, the board shall have the power to:
(1) Examine and determine the qualifications and fitness of applicants for a license to practice veterinary medicine in this state;
(2) Issue, renew, deny, suspend, revoke, or place on probation any license, certificate, authority or permit to practice or assist in the practice of veterinary medicine in this state, or to otherwise discipline or assess civil monetary penalties or order restitution, or other actions consistent with the provisions of sections 340.200 to 340.330 and the rules adopted thereunder;
(3) Conduct investigations of complaints or other investigations as deemed necessary by the board for the purpose of discovering violations of* sections 340.200 to 340.330 or grounds for disciplining any person licensed or regulated under sections 340.200 to 340.330, and to contract for or appoint persons or committees to assist in such investigations;
(4) Hold hearings, issue subpoenas and take testimony bearing on the records of applicants for licensing or licensees who may be under consideration by the board for discipline and to issue final orders of the board on such matters that come before the board;
(5) Issue permits to and, upon complaint by any person, inspect any veterinary facility utilized by any practicing veterinarian or from which the practice of veterinary medicine is conducted. Such inspection shall not include any vehicle used in the practice of veterinary medicine, unless the board has received a complaint regarding such vehicle, then the board may inspect the vehicle. Such inspection shall be made by the board, a board member or other authorized representatives as appointed by the board. The results of the inspection shall be reported to the board, on forms prescribed by the board, the purpose of which shall be to ensure compliance with the provisions of sections 340.200 to 340.330 or board rules promulgated thereunder for such facilities or for seeking disciplinary action in all instances where the board has reason to believe there are or may be violations of such provisions or rules;
(6) Provide registration for veterinary technicians, temporary licensees and provisional licensees and to adopt rules concerning the training, supervision and service limits, and continuing education of such persons while employed or acting under the supervision of licensed veterinarians and to have exclusive jurisdiction in determining the eligibility and qualification requirements and in granting or refusing to grant any registration, certificate or license for any such person or to discipline any person so registered or licensed under the provisions of sections 340.200 to 340.330 or by board rule;
(7) Fix by board rule minimum standards for, but not limited to, the practice of veterinary medicine, medical records, emergency services, radiological services, dispensed drug labeling, nursing care, veterinary facilities, sanitation and sterilization, veterinarian-client-patient relationships, and continuing education;
(8) Employ full- or part-time personnel, including an executive director, professional, clerical or special personnel as necessary to effectuate the provisions of sections 340.200 to 340.330 and to rent or purchase any necessary space, equipment and supplies within available appropriations;
(9) Establish fees necessary to administer the provisions of sections 340.200 to 340.330;
(10) Authorize the chairman or vice chairman to sign complaints or referrals for proceedings before the administrative hearing commission or in a court of competent jurisdiction as necessary for the enforcement of sections 340.200 to 340.330;
(11) Appoint from its own membership one or more members to act as representatives of the board at any meeting within or without the state when such representation is deemed desirable;
(12) Establish standing or ad hoc committees from its membership to facilitate its work effectively, fulfill its duties and to exercise its powers. Such committees must consist of at least two board members to transact business. Any business or action of the committee shall have no effect until and unless the business or action is ratified by a majority vote of the full board;
(13) Adopt, amend or repeal all rules necessary to carry into effect the provisions of sections 340.200 to 340.330, including, but not limited to, the establishment and publication of rules of professional conduct for the practice of veterinary medicine and such rules as it deems necessary to supervise the practice of veterinary medicine. Such rules must be published and made available upon request to persons licensed or registered under sections 340.200 to 340.330 at no cost and distributed at no cost to all applicants for licensing or registration under sections 340.200 to 340.330. Any proposed rulemaking, revision or amendment thereto, shall be accomplished in accordance with the requirements and provisions of chapter 536;
(14) Assist the attorney general in any proper action to oust from practice unlawful practitioners or remove from practice licensed or registered persons in violation of any provision of sections 340.200 to 340.330 or board rule and assist with any prosecution for criminal violations of sections 340.200 to 340.330; and
(15) Enter into contracts with any entity, public or private, for the purpose of having examinations prepared, graded, evaluated, proctored, or for any other examination service deemed desirable or necessary by the board.
4. No rule or portion of a rule promulgated under the authority of this chapter shall become effective unless it has been promulgated pursuant to the provisions of chapter 536.
(L. 1992 H.B. 878 § 6, A.L. 1993 S.B. 52, A.L. 1995 S.B. 3, A.L. 1999 S.B. 424)
*Word "of" does not appear in original rolls.
---- end of effective 28 Aug 1999 ----
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