☰ Revisor of Missouri


Chapter 486

< > Effective - 28 Aug 2020    bottom

  486.725.  Paper documents, notarizing — signature and seal — lost or stolen seal — resignation, expiration, or death of notary, effect of — revocation, return of seal. — 1.  In notarizing a paper document, a notary public shall affix an official signature and an official seal on the notarial certificate at the time the notarial act is performed.

  2.  The official seal of a notary shall not be used for any purpose other than performing notarial acts.

  3.  The official seal of a notary shall:

  (1)  Be the exclusive property of the notary;

  (2)  Not be affixed by any other person;

  (3)  Be kept secure and accessible only to the notary; and

  (4)  Not be surrendered to an employer upon termination of employment.

  4.  Within ten days after the official seal of a notary is discovered to be stolen, lost, damaged, or otherwise rendered incapable of affixing a legible image, the notary, after informing the appropriate law enforcement agency in the case of theft or vandalism, shall notify the secretary by any means providing a tangible receipt, including certified mail and electronic transmission, and also provide a copy or number of any pertinent police report.  Upon receipt of such notice, the secretary shall issue to the notary a new commission that shall be presented to a seal vendor in accordance with section 486.735.

  5.  As soon as reasonably practicable after resignation, or expiration of a notary commission, or death of the notary, the seal shall be destroyed or defaced so that it may not be misused.

  6.  For a commission that has been revoked, the notary shall forward their seal to the secretary's office for disposal.  Failure to do so may be punishable by a fine of five hundred dollars, at the discretion of the secretary.


(L. 2020 H.B. 1655)

---- end of effective  28 Aug 2020 ----

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