630.575. Council created, members, duties, terms, meetings. — 1. There is hereby established within the department of mental health the "Missouri Eating Disorder Council" which shall consist of the following persons to be selected by and the number of members to be determined by the director of the department of mental health:
(1) Director's designees from the department of mental health;
(2) Eating disorder researchers, clinicians, and patient advocacy groups; and
(3) The general public.
2. The council shall:
(1) Oversee the eating disorder education and awareness programs established in section 630.580;
(2) Identify whether adequate treatment and diagnostic services are available in the state; and
(3) Assist the department of mental health in identifying eating disorder research projects.
3. Members of the council shall serve four-year terms, with the initial terms of the members staggered as two-year, three-year, and four-year terms. The members of the council may be reappointed. The members of the council shall not receive compensation for their service on the council, but may, subject to appropriation, be reimbursed for their actual and necessary expenses incurred as members of the council.
4. The council shall conduct an organizational meeting at the call of the director of the department of mental health. At such meeting, the council shall select a chair and vice chair of the council. Subsequent meetings of the council shall be called as necessary by the chair of the council or the director of the department of mental health.
(L. 2010 S.B. 754)
---- end of effective 28 Aug 2010 ----
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