77.560. Slaughterhouses, stockyards. — The council shall have power, by ordinance, to secure the general health of the inhabitants of the city by any measure to regulate, suppress or abate slaughterhouses, slaughtering animals, stockyards, soap and other factories, pigpens, cow stables and other stables and dairies, coal oil tanks and factories, and to remove the same; and to regulate or prevent the carrying on of any business which may be dangerous or detrimental to the public health, or the manufacturing or vending of articles obnoxious to the health of the inhabitants; to prevent, abate and remove nuisances in a summary manner at the cost of the occupant or owner of the premises where the nuisance or the cause thereof may be; provided, that the same was caused by the occupant or owner of the premises or his agent; and all costs and expenses incurred by the city in removing or abating any nuisance on private property within the city limits may be assessed against the occupant or owner, if caused by them or either of them or their agent, and the same shall be assessed by the council as a special tax bill against such private property, which shall be a special lien against such property in the same manner and with the same effect that special tax bills are for paving; or the cost of removing or abating such nuisance may be made a part of the judgment by the judge, in addition to the fine imposed, in case of conviction in court of the person causing or maintaining any such nuisance; and the power is hereby given the city council to provide punishments for persons causing or maintaining nuisances in the city, or within one mile thereof. The council may also provide for a health commissioner and board of health to perform such duties and such powers as may be prescribed by ordinance; and may provide for the condemnation of goods, merchandise, clothing, furniture and other personal property containing the germs of contagious or infectious dangerous disease, whenever the same is necessary for the health of the city; but in every case where private property is so condemned and destroyed, due compensation shall be made to the owner thereof, upon the appraisement of five disinterested commissioners appointed by the mayor.
(RSMo 1939 § 6957, A.L. 1978 H.B. 1634)
Prior revisions: 1929 § 6811; 1919 § 8298; 1909 § 9235
Effective 1-02-79
---- end of effective 02 Jan 1979 ----
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