☰ Revisor of Missouri


Chapter 442

< > Effective - 28 Aug 1991, 2 histories    bottom

  490.440.  Shall not be received in evidence until. — 1.  The fact that a parcel of real property, or any building or structure thereon, may be a psychologically impacted real property, or may be in close proximity to a psychologically impacted real property shall not be a material or substantial fact that is required to be disclosed in a sale, exchange or other transfer of real estate.

  2.  "Psychologically impacted real property" is defined to include:

  (1)  Real property in which an occupant is, or was at any time, infected with human immunodeficiency virus or diagnosed with acquired immune deficiency syndrome, or with any other disease which has been determined by medical evidence to be highly unlikely to be transmitted through the occupancy of a dwelling place; or

  (2)  Real property which was the site of a homicide or other felony, or of a suicide.

  3.  No cause of action shall arise nor may any action be brought against any real estate agent or broker for the failure to disclose to a buyer or other transferee of real estate that the transferred real property was a psychologically impacted real property.


(L. 1991 S.B. 138 § 10)

---- end of effective  28 Aug 1991 ----

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