217.010 | Definitions. (8/28/2021) |
217.015 | Divisions created — sections authorized — purpose of department — women offender program established, purpose — advisory committee established, membership, purpose. (8/28/2018) |
217.020 | Department's powers and duties. (8/28/1989) |
217.021 | Community behavioral health program, purpose — department duties. (8/28/2018) |
217.022 | Prison impact statements, required, when. (8/28/1995) |
217.025 | Director of department, appointment, qualifications, bond, duties. (8/28/1995) |
217.030 | Directors of divisions, appointment — appointment of general personnel. (8/28/2021) |
217.035 | Director's powers and duties — deputy director, appointment, compensation, powers in absence or incapacity of director. (8/28/1995) |
217.040 | Rulemaking authority. (8/28/1995) |
217.043 | United States government, contract powers of department. (8/28/1995) |
217.045 | Federal funds, authority to receive — applications for funds, procedure. (8/28/2007) |
217.050 | Department to sue in name of director — interest authorized. (8/28/1995) |
217.055 | Volunteer program requirements — coverage as unpaid employees by legal expense fund and workers' compensation — use of state vehicles — expenses. (8/28/1989) |
217.070 | State auditor to have access to all records, confidentiality. (8/28/1982) |
217.075 | Offender records, public records, exceptions — inspection of, when — medical records, available, when — copies admissible as evidence — violations, penalty. (8/28/2018) |
217.080 | Department and division to maintain central office in Jefferson City. (8/28/1989) |
217.090 | Lease of buildings on grounds of correctional centers, when — compatibility with services of department required — procedure — bids required — cost — terms of lease — how executed. (8/28/1995) |
217.092 | Leased prison space, deposit of payments. (8/28/1990) |
217.095 | Condemnation powers, when, procedure. (8/28/1995) |
217.100 | Director may enter into agreement for services to department by other state departments or agencies. (8/28/1995) |
217.110 | Workers' compensation to cover all employees of the department. (8/28/1989) |
217.115 | Officers and employees, restrictions on business connections — conversion of department property prohibited, exception — violations, grounds for dismissal. (8/28/1989) |
217.120 | Bribery or receipt of gifts from prisoners by officers or employees of department, penalty — duty to report, failure, effect — director to investigate and report, when. (8/28/1989) |
217.125 | Offenders, labor restrictions. (8/28/1995) |
217.128 | Employee held hostage eligible for paid leave of absence. (8/28/1989) |
217.130 | Living quarters furnished to employees, fees. (8/28/1995) |
217.135 | Food furnished in correctional center, employees to purchase, exception. (8/28/1995) |
217.137 | Prisoner transfers by United States treaty with foreign governments — governor's powers — director's duties. (8/28/1982) |
217.138 | Construction of correctional centers by private entities for state and political subdivisions — housing of state's offenders in city or county jails, costs. (8/28/1995) |
217.139 | Sexual offenders of children, pilot treatment program — costs, how paid — department's duties — annual report. (8/28/1990) |
217.141 | Electrified security fence systems authorized. (8/28/1995) |
217.147 | Sentencing and corrections oversight commission, members, terms, duties, report, expiration date. (8/28/2012) |
217.151 | Restraints, use of on pregnant offenders — definitions — extraordinary circumstances — requirements. (8/28/2018) |
217.160 | Division director, power of appointment of certain personnel — qualifications — to be full-time employee. (8/28/1989) |
217.165 | Chief administrative officers of each correctional center, appointment. (8/28/1995) |
217.170 | Chief administrative officers, duties. (8/28/1995) |
217.175 | Rules and regulations, division director's authority to promulgate. (8/28/1995) |
217.180 | Annual report of division, contents. (8/28/1989) |
217.185 | Reports by chief administrative officers, monthly, to division director, contents. (8/28/1995) |
217.195 | Canteen to be established — inmate canteen fund established, purpose, moneys, how spent. (8/28/2021) |
217.197 | Offender personal property, allowed when — unauthorized property, disposition of. (8/28/1995) |
217.199 | Feminine hygiene products, available at no cost to female offenders. (7/14/2021) |
217.210 | Capacity of correctional centers, how determined — emergency assignment. (8/28/1995) |
217.220 | Death sentence commutation, admittance to correctional center. (8/28/1995) |
217.225 | Federal prisoners, admittance — escapees, how punished — neglect of federal prisoners, liability. (8/28/1995) |
217.230 | Health care services for correctional centers. (8/28/2023) |
217.235 | Chaplain, appointment or arrangement for religious services. (8/28/1995) |
217.240 | Food and clothing of offenders — food deprivation not to be used as punishment. (8/28/1995) |
217.245 | Medical excuse from participation in required activities, procedure. (8/28/1995) |
217.250 | Offender with terminal disease or advanced age where confinement will endanger or shorten life — certification to parole board, report to governor, procedure. (8/28/2021) |
217.255 | Compensation of offenders for labor, academic or vocational classes — hours of work, exceptions — payment to state or crime victims' compensation fund, when. (8/28/1995) |
217.260 | Earnings of offender, paid when — how used, payment to families, when — department powers. (8/28/1989) |
217.262 | Frivolous lawsuits, false testimony, abuse of judicial system by offender — sanctions. (8/28/1995) |
217.265 | Visitors, regulation of — clergymen's privileges. (8/28/1995) |
217.270 | Parole board to have access to offenders and records, when. (8/28/2021) |
217.275 | Carrying letters or writings without authorization prohibited, penalty. (8/28/1995) |
217.280 | Firearms may be carried by designated employees — powers of arrest and apprehension. (8/28/1989) |
217.285 | Clothing, money, transportation, return of personal property to discharged or paroled prisoners — exception. (8/28/1990) |
217.300 | Reception and diagnostic centers for classification of prisoners to be established. (8/28/1990) |
217.305 | Delivery of prisoners to correctional centers with certain required information. (8/28/2003) |
217.310 | Examination of new prisoners — identification data recorded. (8/28/1989) |
217.315 | System of identification, department to establish. (8/28/1989) |
217.320 | Identification systems, officers not liable for acts done in enforcing law. (8/28/1989) |
217.325 | Identification system mandatory. (8/28/1995) |
217.330 | Department to conduct tests — assignment of offender. (8/28/1995) |
217.335 | Classification teams, established — appointment, qualifications, duties. (8/28/1989) |
217.337 | Schedule of activities, work, and program, adherence to, exemption. (8/28/1994) |
217.343 | Emancipation of certain juvenile offenders for certain purposes. (8/28/2003) |
217.345 | First offenders and offenders eighteen or younger — mandatory program — physical separation of offenders less than eighteen years of age — rules — contract for provision of services — evaluation process. (8/28/2024) |
217.350 | Transfer of offender, when. (8/28/1995) |
217.355 | Education programs established, what included, enrollment required, when. (8/28/1995) |
217.361 | Risk and need assessment tools — department procedures, duties. (8/28/2018) |
217.362 | Program for offenders with substance abuse addiction — eligibility, disposition, placement — completion, effect. (8/28/2021) |
217.364 | Offenders under treatment program, placement, rules — eligibility — use, purpose, availability — failure to complete. (8/28/2021) |
217.365 | Offenders not to carry money, exceptions, violations, treated as contraband. (8/28/1995) |
217.370 | Discipline and grievance procedures established — chief administrative officer to abide by. (8/28/1995) |
217.375 | Administrative segregation, grounds for — review hearing required — records to be kept — access to medical personnel. (7/2/2004) |
217.380 | Records of violations and convictions of offenders, information required — disciplinary segregation, hearing, time period. (8/28/2003) |
217.385 | Violence or injury to others or property by offender, penalty. (1/1/2017) |
217.390 | Escape, defined — penalty. (8/28/1995) |
217.395 | Escapee's apprehension — reward may be offered, limitations. (8/28/1989) |
217.400 | Furnishing unfit food to offenders, penalty. (1/1/2017) |
217.405 | Offender abuse, penalty — employees not to use physical force, exception. (1/1/2017) |
217.410 | Abuse of offender, duty to report, penalty — confidentiality of report, immunity from liability — harassment prohibited. (8/28/1995) |
217.412 | Autopsy required, when — reports to be maintained by department. (8/28/1995) |
217.415 | Disqualification from holding position in correctional facility, when. (8/28/1989) |
217.420 | Surgery, general anesthetic not authorized for offender without consent or court order, exceptions, emergencies — treatment against religious beliefs, when allowed. (8/28/1995) |
217.425 | Furlough of prisoners, when — time limitations, exceptions — waiver required, when — notice requirements. (8/28/1989) |
217.430 | Residential treatment centers and community based sanctions — assignment of offenders — contracts to establish, provisions, locations — payments, how made — inmates fund established, use — regulation of inmates. (8/28/1995) |
217.435 | Work or educational release program. (8/28/1989) |
217.437 | Work by offenders, not employment, when — benefitting entity immune from suit, exceptions. (8/28/1995) |
217.439 | Photograph of offender to be taken prior to release, when — provided to victim upon request. (8/28/2009) |
217.440 | Program of restorative justice, requirements. (7/14/1997) |
217.450 | Offender may request final disposition of pending indictment, information or complaint, how requested — director to notify offender of pending actions, failure to notify, effect. (8/28/2009) |
217.455 | Director of division of adult institutions to transmit information and request. (8/28/2021) |
217.460 | Trial to be held, when — failure, effect. (8/28/2009) |
217.465 | Escape by offender, effect of. (8/28/1989) |
217.470 | Transportation expenses, how paid. (8/28/1989) |
217.475 | Director of division of adult institutions to inform prisoner of the law in writing. (8/28/1989) |
217.480 | Uniformity of construction. (8/28/1983) |
217.485 | Title of the law. (8/28/1983) |
217.490 | Agreement on detainers adopted — compact text. (8/28/1982) |
217.495 | Appropriate court defined. (8/28/1982) |
217.500 | Enforcement and cooperation required of whom. (8/28/1982) |
217.505 | Compact not to require application of habitual offender law. (8/28/1982) |
217.510 | Escape by offender, effect on. (8/28/1989) |
217.515 | Chief administrative officer to deliver offender, when. (8/28/1995) |
217.520 | Governor to designate administrator. (8/28/1982) |
217.525 | Director authorized to contract with United States for stated purposes. (8/28/1995) |
217.530 | Convicted offender not to be transferred to state where wanted for crime. (8/28/1995) |
217.535 | Compact adopted — text — contract must comply. (8/28/1982) |
217.540 | Powers and duties of director, delegation authorized. (8/28/1989) |
217.541 | House arrest program, department to establish and regulate — limited release, when — arrest warrant may be issued by probation or parole officer, when — offenders to fund program. (8/28/2021) |
217.542 | Failure to return to house arrest, felony. (1/1/2017) |
217.543 | House arrest authorized for certain prisoners — jailer to establish program — remote electronic surveillance allowed — percentage of prisoner's wage to pay cost — violation penalty — (St. Louis City). (1/1/2017) |
License plates and highway signs, authority to manufacture, 301.290 |
217.550 | Prison industries and services program created — director to administer — approval required — report submitted to director, contents. (8/28/2015) |
217.555 | Advisory board, created, members, appointment, qualifications — duties — compensation. (8/28/1994) |
217.560 | Enterprise program diversification and purpose. (8/28/1994) |
217.565 | Director to provide plants, machinery and materials — distribution of products. (8/28/1994) |
217.567 | Director may contract with private entities for employment of inmates — leasing of correctional facility property — wages, director to set policies. (8/28/2015) |
217.570 | Sales of prison industry goods and services, procedure — open market sales, when. (8/28/1994) |
217.575 | Sales of goods or services to state or political subdivisions — promotion — price — certification of nonavailability required for state purchases, when. (8/28/2014) |
217.580 | Catalog of products furnished public officers — institutions to report estimates of needs. (8/28/1994) |
217.590 | Violations of sections 217.575 and 217.580, penalty. (8/28/1982) |
217.592 | Plasmapheresis program may be established as private enterprise on institution grounds — inmate employment, wages. (8/28/1994) |
217.595 | Working capital revolving fund created — source, uses — accounting, audit — transfer to general revenue prohibited. (8/28/1994) |
Lifetime supervision with mandatory electronic monitoring required for certain sexual offenders, 217.735 Tampering with judicial officer includes probation and parole officer, penalty, 575.095 |
217.650 | Definitions. (8/28/2021) |
217.655 | Parole board, general duties — division duties. (8/28/2021) |
217.665 | Board members, appointment, qualifications — terms, vacancies — designation of chair and vice chair — compensation, expenses. (8/28/2021) |
217.670 | Decisions to be by majority vote — hearing panel, membership, duties — jurisdiction removal or appeal to board, when — decision to be final — closed meetings authorized — video conferencing. (8/28/2018) |
217.675 | Handbook of rules governing conduct of parolees furnished to whom, duties of board. (8/28/1982) |
217.680 | Offices, where located — space in correctional centers to be provided for hearings and interviews. (8/28/1995) |
217.682 | Secretary to be appointed, duties. (8/28/1989) |
217.690 | Board may order release or parole — assessment, personal hearing — fee — rules — eligibility for parole, how calculated — murder, eligibility for hearing — hearing procedure — notice — special conditions — education requirements, exceptions — rulemaking authority. (8/28/2024) |
217.692 | Eligibility for parole, offenders with life sentence, when — criteria — perjury, penalty. (8/28/2021) |
217.695 | Release from custody under supervision of division of probation and parole, registration with law enforcement officials required. (8/28/2021) |
217.703 | Earned compliance credits awarded, when. (8/28/2022) |
217.705 | Probation, parole, institutional parole, officers — appointment — duties. (8/28/2018) |
217.710 | Firearms, authority to carry, department's duties, training — rulemaking procedure. (8/28/2021) |
217.718 | Alternative to revocation proceedings, period of detention, requirements. (8/28/2012) |
217.720 | Arrest of person paroled or on conditional release — report — procedure — revocation of parole or release — effect of sentence — arrest of parolee from another state. (8/28/2018) |
217.722 | Probation officers, power to arrest, when — preliminary hearing allowed, when — notice to sentencing court. (8/28/2018) |
217.725 | Board may parole prisoner held on warrant. (8/28/1982) |
217.730 | Parole time as time of imprisonment, exception — final discharge — procedure to register to vote. (8/28/2003) |
217.735 | Lifetime supervision required for certain offenders — electronic monitoring — termination at age sixty-five permitted, when — rulemaking authority. (8/28/2021) |
Ineligible for parole if convicted of tampering with witness or victim, 575.270 |
217.750 | Probation services provided to circuit courts, when. (8/28/2018) |
217.755 | Probation services for courts, rules authorized. (8/28/2018) |
217.760 | Probation and parole officers furnished to circuit courts, when — presentence and preparole investigations — requirements. (8/28/2018) |
217.762 | Presentence investigation, required, when — victim impact statement, prepared when, contents. (8/28/2018) |
217.777 | Community corrections program alternative for eligible offenders, purpose — operation — rules — guidelines. (8/28/2021) |
217.800 | Pardons by governor — conditions and restrictions — notice to central repository. (8/28/1995) |
217.805 | Governor may remit fine or forfeiture. (8/28/1982) |
217.810 | Interstate compact for supervision of parolees and probationers. (8/28/2018) |
217.820 | Exoneree defined — identification documents, department policy and procedures to assist exonerees in obtaining. (8/28/2023) |
217.825 | Citation of law. (8/28/1988) |
217.827 | Definitions. (8/28/1995) |
217.829 | Assets to be listed by prisoners on form under oath — failure to comply, effect — department to request assignments. (8/28/2021) |
217.831 | Director to report to attorney general on offender's assets and cost of care — attorney general's power to investigate and seek reimbursement, when. (8/28/1995) |
217.833 | Percent of offender's assets that may be used for reimbursement — limitation. (8/28/1995) |
217.835 | Jurisdiction, certain circuit courts — service — hearing — support obligations of offender to be considered — court order to reimburse, when. (8/28/1995) |
217.837 | Legal remedies authorized to protect assets of prisoner — execution against homestead of prisoner prohibited — state's claim to have priority. (8/28/1988) |
217.839 | Attorney general's powers and duties — assistance by certain officials required. (8/28/1995) |
217.841 | Costs of investigation, how paid — deposit of reimbursement — fund, created — state treasurer, duties. (8/28/1995) |
217.845 | CARES Act moneys received by offender for COVID-19 to be used for restitution. (8/28/2021) |
217.850 | Correctional center, unlawful use of unmanned aircraft over, offense of — permissible acts — violation, penalty — signage to be posted. (8/28/2020) |
217.930 | Suspension of MO HealthNet medical assistance in lieu of termination, when. (8/28/2019) |
217.940 | Nursery program to be established, purpose — definitions. (8/28/2022) |
217.941 | Eligibility, placement, and program capacity. (8/28/2022) |
217.942 | Written agreement, contents — program policy required. (8/28/2022) |
217.943 | Termination of participation, when. (8/28/2022) |
217.944 | Child support payments, collected and deposited — monetary donations to program permitted. (8/28/2022) |
217.945 | Correctional center nursery program fund created, use of moneys. (8/28/2022) |
217.946 | Regulation and oversight by other agencies subject to department consent. (8/28/2022) |
217.947 | Sovereign immunity in effect — program not a waiver, not considered a dangerous condition. (8/28/2022) |
- Cross References | |
AIDS, mandatory testing without right of refusal, when, testing permitted when, 191.659 | |
Bidding for construction of a minimum security correctional facility, 221.500 | |
Children of incarcerated parents, study by children's services commission, 210.875 to 210.877 | |
Complaints filed by incarcerated individuals against certain health care professionals, disposition of records, 332.316, 334.098, 335.068, 337.068 | |
Confidentiality of motor vehicle and driver registration records of county, state or federal parole officers and federal pretrial officers, 32.056 | |
Crime victims' rights, Const. Art. I, Sec. 32 | |
Criminal records, central repository, duty of department of corrections to report certain information to highway patrol, 43.503 | |
Death penalty, duties, 546.720 to 546.750 | |
Death sentence to be executed by warden of penitentiary, procedure, 546.680 to 546.750 | |
Drug abuse educational assessment and community treatment program, 559.630 to 559.635 | |
Educational grants for surviving children of officers and employees killed in the line of duty, 173.260 | |
Escape of accused, crime victims' right to notice, Const. Art I Sec 32 | |
Grievance resolution system, department duty to maintain, 510.125 | |
Inmates, sexual contact with, crime of, penalty, consent not a defense, 566.145 | |
Insurers may not cancel health or dental coverage solely because the insured is incarcerated, 376.821 | |
Interstate compact for adult offender supervision, 589.500 to 589.569 | |
Jury trials not to be held in correctional facilities, 544.275 | |
Legal expense fund coverage, 105.711 | |
Mental illness of prisoner, 552.050 | |
Merit system coverage of employees, 36.030 | |
Missouri National Guard members offered interview for state positions, when, 36.221, 105.1204 | |
New state programs to sunset after six years, Missouri sunset act, 23.250 to 23.298 | |
Penalties assessed by state agencies for delinquent reports or fees, limitations, 33.202 | |
Preliminary hearings, certain other procedures may be held in correctional facilities, 544.275 | |
Scholarships or grants for disabled personnel injured or survivors of personnel killed in the line of duty, 173.260 | |
Senate investigator to have access without charge to criminal records, 43.541 | |
Sexual predators, civil commitment, 632.480 to 632.525 | |
Television, closed circuit coverage of prisoners for court appearances, when, requirements, 561.031 | |
Testimony of prisoner in penitentiary, how obtained, 491.230 to 491.270 | |
Tuberculosis testing rules for correctional centers, 199.350 | |
Veterans, state agency forms to include veteran data, information on agency's veteran services provided, when, 42.051 | |
Video tape on prison conditions and young offender, department's duties, 161.203 | |
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