☰ Revisor of Missouri


Chapter 162

< > Effective - 28 Aug 2024, 2 histories    bottom

  162.996.  Handicapped children attending private, parochial, parish, home or FPE schools, districts may provide special educational services — state aid, how calculated. — 1.  Special educational services may be offered during the regular school day.  Children who attend special educational services in the district and who otherwise attend a private, parochial, parish, home school, or FPE school shall be in compliance with section 167.031.

  2.  A public school district shall be entitled to state aid for resident handicapped children who attend special educational services and who otherwise attend private, parochial, parish, FPE, or home schools.  State aid shall be calculated on the basis of full-time equivalent average daily attendance of part-time students as provided in section 163.011.

  3.  Nothing in this section shall change the authority of a public school board to set the schedule of classes for full-time or part-time public school pupils including pupils receiving services under this section.

  4.  Nothing herein shall be construed to require transportation for these services.

  5.  No resident child shall be denied or discriminated against in special educational services offered by a school district on the grounds that the child regularly attends a private, parochial, parish, home school, or FPE school.


(L. 1987 S.B. 402 § 10, A.L. 2024 S.B. 727)

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