☰ Revisor of Missouri


Chapter 191

< > Effective - 28 Aug 1999    bottom

  191.915.  Breast-feeding information provided, when, by whom. — 1.  Every hospital, as defined in section 197.020, and ambulatory surgical center, as defined in section 197.200, that provides obstetrical care shall:

  (1)  Provide new mothers, where appropriate as determined by the attending physician, with information on breast-feeding and the benefits to the child; and

  (2)  Provide new mothers, where appropriate as determined by the attending physician, with information on local breast-feeding support groups; or

  (3)  Offer breast-feeding consultations to new mothers, where appropriate as determined by the attending physician.

  2.  Beginning January 1, 2000, every licensed physician who provides obstetrical or gynecological consultation shall, where appropriate as determined by such physician, inform patients as to the prenatal preparation for and postnatal benefits of breast-feeding a child.

  3.  The department of health and senior services shall produce written information on breast-feeding and the health benefits to the child, and shall distribute such information to physicians described in subsection 2 of this section and to hospitals and ambulatory surgical centers described in subsection 1 of this section upon request.


(L. 1999 S.B. 8 & 173 § 5)

---- end of effective  28 Aug 1999 ----

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