☰ Revisor of Missouri


Chapter 210

< > Effective - 28 Aug 2018, 7 histories    bottom

  210.152.  Reports of abuse or neglect — division to retain or remove certain information — confidential, released only to authorized persons — report removal, when — notice of agency's determination to retain or remove, sent when — case reopened, when — administrative review of determination — de novo judicial review. — 1.  All information, including telephone reports reported pursuant to section 210.145, relating to reports of abuse or neglect received by the division shall be retained by the division or removed from the records of the division as follows:

  (1)  For investigation reports contained in the central registry, the report and all information shall be retained by the division;

  (2)  (a)  For investigation reports initiated against a person required to report pursuant to section 210.115, where insufficient evidence of abuse or neglect is found by the division and where the division determines the allegation of abuse or neglect was made maliciously, for purposes of harassment, or in retaliation for the filing of a report by a person required to report, identifying information shall be expunged by the division within forty-five days from the conclusion of the investigation;

  (b)  For investigation reports, where insufficient evidence of abuse or neglect is found by the division and where the division determines the allegation of abuse or neglect was made maliciously, for purposes of harassment, or in retaliation for the filing of a report, identifying information shall be expunged by the division within forty-five days from the conclusion of the investigation;

  (c)  For investigation reports initiated by a person required to report under section 210.115, where insufficient evidence of abuse or neglect is found by the division, identifying information shall be retained for ten years from the conclusion of the investigation.  For all other investigation reports where insufficient evidence of abuse or neglect is found by the division, identifying information shall be retained for five years from the conclusion of the investigation.  Such reports shall include any exculpatory evidence known by the division, including exculpatory evidence obtained after the closing of the case.  At the end of such time period, the identifying information shall be removed from the records of the division and destroyed;

  (d)  For investigation reports where the identification of the specific perpetrator or perpetrators cannot be substantiated and the division has specific evidence to determine that a child was abused or neglected, the division shall retain the report and all information but shall not place an unknown perpetrator on the central registry.  The division shall retain all information.  The division shall retain and disclose information and findings in the same manner as the division retains and discloses family assessments.  If the division made a finding of abuse or neglect against an unknown perpetrator prior to August 28, 2017, the division shall remove the unknown perpetrator from the central registry but shall retain and utilize all information as otherwise provided in this section;

  (3)  For reports where the division uses the family assessment and services approach, information shall be retained by the division;

  (4)  For reports in which the division is unable to locate the child alleged to have been abused or neglected, information shall be retained for eighteen years from the date of the report and then shall be removed from the records by the division.

  2.  Within ninety days, or within one hundred twenty days in cases involving sexual abuse, or until the division's investigation is complete in cases involving a child fatality or near-fatality, after receipt of a report of abuse or neglect that is investigated, the alleged perpetrator named in the report and the parents of the child named in the report, if the alleged perpetrator is not a parent, shall be notified in writing of any determination made by the division based on the investigation.  The notice shall advise either:

  (1)  That the division has determined by a probable cause finding prior to August 28, 2004, or by a preponderance of the evidence after August 28, 2004, that abuse or neglect exists and that the division shall retain all information regarding the abuse or neglect; that such information shall remain confidential and will not be released except to law enforcement agencies, prosecuting or circuit attorneys, or as provided in section 210.150; that the alleged perpetrator has sixty days from the date of receipt of the notice to seek reversal of the division's determination through a review by the child abuse and neglect review board as provided in subsection 4 of this section;

  (2)  That the division has not made a probable cause finding or determined by a preponderance of the evidence that abuse or neglect exists; or

  (3)  The division has been unable to determine the identity of the perpetrator of the abuse or neglect.  The notice shall also inform the child's parents and legal guardian that the division shall retain, utilize, and disclose all information and findings as provided in family assessment and services cases.

  3.  The children's division may reopen a case for review if new, specific, and credible evidence is obtained.

  4.  Any person named in an investigation as a perpetrator who is aggrieved by a determination of abuse or neglect by the division as provided in this section may seek an administrative review by the child abuse and neglect review board pursuant to the provisions of section 210.153.  Such request for review shall be made within sixty days of notification of the division's decision under this section.  In those cases where criminal charges arising out of facts of the investigation are pending, the request for review shall be made within sixty days from the court's final disposition or dismissal of the charges.

  5.  In any such action for administrative review, the child abuse and neglect review board shall sustain the division's determination if such determination was supported by evidence of probable cause prior to August 28, 2004, or is supported by a preponderance of the evidence after August 28, 2004, and is not against the weight of such evidence.  The child abuse and neglect review board hearing shall be closed to all persons except the parties, their attorneys and those persons providing testimony on behalf of the parties.

  6.  If the alleged perpetrator is aggrieved by the decision of the child abuse and neglect review board, the alleged perpetrator may seek de novo judicial review in the circuit court in the county in which the alleged perpetrator resides and in circuits with split venue, in the venue in which the alleged perpetrator resides, or in Cole County.  If the alleged perpetrator is not a resident of the state, proper venue shall be in Cole County.  The case may be assigned to the family court division where such a division has been established.  The request for a judicial review shall be made within sixty days of notification of the decision of the child abuse and neglect review board decision.  In reviewing such decisions, the circuit court shall provide the alleged perpetrator the opportunity to appear and present testimony.  The alleged perpetrator may subpoena any witnesses except the alleged victim or the reporter.  However, the circuit court shall have the discretion to allow the parties to submit the case upon a stipulated record.

  7.  In any such action for administrative review, the child abuse and neglect review board shall notify the child or the parent, guardian or legal representative of the child that a review has been requested.


(L. 1982 H.B. 1171, et al., A.L. 1986 S.B. 470, A.L. 1990 H.B. 1370, et al., A.L. 1991 H.B. 185, A.L. 1994 S.B. 595, A.L. 2000 S.B. 757 & 602, A.L. 2004 H.B. 1453, A.L. 2005 S.B. 155, A.L. 2011 S.B. 54, A.L. 2014 H.B. 1092 merged with S.B. 869, A.L. 2017 S.B. 160, A.L. 2018 S.B. 819)

(2007) Provisions of this section requiring inclusion in the central registry before a finding of abuse or neglect by a preponderance of the evidence by the child Abuse and Neglect Review Board violate due process, and are invalid.  Jamison v. State, 218 S.W.3d 399 (Mo.banc).

(2014) Ninety-day deadline for notification by Division does not divest it of authority to continue investigation or make determination after deadline has passed; the statute is directory, rather than mandatory, in that the legislature did not intend to make all actions that fail to comply with the obligation void or ineffective.  Frye v. Levy, 440 S.W.3d 405 (Mo.banc).

---- end of effective  28 Aug 2018 ----

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 - All versions
Effective End
210.152 8/28/2018
210.152 6/22/2017 8/28/2018
210.152 8/28/2014 6/22/2017
210.152 8/28/2011 8/28/2014
210.152 8/28/2005 8/28/2011
210.152 8/28/2004 8/28/2005
210.152 8/28/2000 8/28/2004

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