☰ Revisor of Missouri


Chapter 273

< > Effective - 28 Aug 1939    bottom

  273.070.  Issuance of license — plate — certificate — license fees — county dog license fund — purposes. — 1.  County clerks shall issue licenses to applicants and shall deliver to the applicants a metallic plate having the number corresponding to that of the license stamped thereon and shall deliver to such party a certificate from the book furnished to him by the secretary of state, which said certificates, as well as the margin or part thereof remaining in the book after cutting out the certificate, shall contain the number of the license, the year for which the same is granted, the name and residence of the owner of the dog, and the sex, color and description of the dog for which the license is paid and the amount of the tax paid therefor.

  2.  Such clerk shall retain out of the money received for such license issued the sum of ten cents, which shall cover all his services under sections 273.040 to 273.180, and he shall pay the balance and all other sums received by him under the provisions of sections 273.040 to 273.180, less the cost of license tags, record books, blank applications and affidavits and the cost of transmitting the balance to the treasurer of the county.

  3.  The treasurer of the county shall set any and all sums so received apart in a separate fund to be known as a "County Dog License Fund", and such fund shall be used only for the purpose of compensating persons who have suffered loss or damage through injury or killing by dogs of any livestock or poultry owned by them and located in said county at the time of such injury or killing, in an amount not to exceed the market value thereof at the time of such injury or killing.  The county commission of each county in this state is authorized to expend and draw county warrants against such fund only as herein provided; provided, that sections 273.040 to 273.180 shall not be construed to prevent suits at law for damages caused to livestock or poultry by dogs.


(RSMo 1939 § 14548)

Prior revision: 1929 § 12874

---- end of effective  28 Aug 1939 ----

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